Assessment 1 Essay

Submitted By babyg987654321
Words: 2177
Pages: 9

Question 1. Define what is meant by the term “mental health”

A state of well-being in which every individual realises his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stress of life. Can work productively and fruitfully, and is also able to make a contribution to his or her community.

Question 2. Outline six key components of “mental well-being”

1. Genetic inheritance – Some individuals are more susceptible to develop mental health conditions as a result of their genetic makeup.
2. Childhood experience – An individual’s upbringing and early experiences can affect their mental health.
3. Social support and networks – Relationships with others can help and individual to overcome pressure and problems which could lead to mental illness.
4. Life events – Particular points in a person’s life can influence the way that they react to problems, issues and other events later on in life.
5. Own individual ability to cope – An individual’s ability to cope will depend upon their resilience to previous experiences and life events.
6. Being healthy – Having a healthy lifestyle can help a person’s mental well-being.

Question 3. Explain why positive mental health is important

Positive mental health is important because a person is more likely to have a happier life, positive self-image and have good physical health. They are also more likely to live longer, be able to maintain good relationships and go in to employment.

Question 4. Describe five key factors which can increase the risk of a person developing a mental health problem

1. Current social factors such as isolation and feeling rejected from society, as well as the lack of support from family and friends.
2. Life events such as bereavement, sudden illness, abuse or loneliness can have a huge impact on a person’s life.
3. Family history and upbringing affect a person’s well-being, such as poor relationships, and if they experience illness or violence with the family.
4. Experience of education influences a person’s mental health. For example, being bullies or poor academic achievements can prevent a person from undertaking a career path of their choice.
5. Individual risk factors such as having low self-esteem and feeling of insecurity.

Question 5. Identify three possible effects that experiencing a mental health problem might have on an individual

1. Sleep – An inability to handle stress or anxiety could lead to insomnia.
2. Eating – They are more likely to indulge in comfort eating or emotional binges which is also difficult to control with a mental illness.
3. Physical health – A person’s mental health state can affect their body.

Question 6. Give two examples to demonstrate the ways in which an individual may cope with their mental health problem

1. Positive Coping Strategies can help an individual to cope with mental health problems in a constructive or adaptive way.
2. Negative Coping Strategies may provide a short-term relief or distraction, but it will not have a long term benefit.

Question 7. Define what is meant by the term “mental disorder”

The Mental Health Act (2007) defines a mental disorder as any disorder or disability of the mind.

Question 8. Outline the key features of two different models which may be used to approach the care of people with mental health problems

1. The biological model believes that any condition which affects mental functioning can be considered as a disease in a similar way to a condition that affects other parts of the body.
2. The psychodynamic model is that the person’s feelings have led to problematic thinking and behaviour. These feelings may be unknown to the person, and may have formed during critical times in their life, due to interpersonal relationships.

Question 9. Identify and describe the two main means of classifying mental health conditions

1. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) – The DSM-IV is a manual used by GPs and psychiatrists to help them when deciding