What are the consequences?
There are many young girls who are forced to get married. These girls are 9-14 and they are told to marry whoever the parents told them to. There are a lot of consequences but one important one to me is they are dropping out of school because they are getting married and having children.
There are a lot of health reasons: Young girls can die, get sick or either have mental issues because of the way that their husbands are treating them. Their parents can do something about it be it will not help as much. Girls this age should not get married when they are this young it is a huge risk for them and for the parents.
-They are more likely to catch HIV than their unmarried counterparts because of their sexual exposure.
-Girls are often pressured to have a child soon after getting married, despite being a child but there only a child themselves
There is a lot of violence: A lot of men are beating there wife’s and they get away with it because they don’t say anything. If someone is hurting you, you should someone instead of hiding it. -Some are regularly beaten by their husbands Losing Great Chances
People are not getting the right amount of education. Rape occurs frequently in forced and child marriages and has severe consequences, especially for young brides. Honor killings may also be a consequence in cases where a forced marriage is refused. -14 million girls under the age of 18 marry each year. -Young people are actively involved in choosing a marriage partner. -Forty percent accepted the concept of an arranged marriage but would
Arranged Marriages Arranged marriages have no place in today’s society because it is a very important decision that only the bride and groom should have control of. Love should always be the basis for a marriage and arranged marriages can be organised between families with only financial considerations in mind. When someone mentions marriages, what is the first thing you think of? I am sure that most of us think about a beautiful person with who you are going to spend rest of your life.…
Arranged Marriages Hawraa Hamey College of Southern Nevada The burden on me to find a husband started very early. When I was about twelve years old, I fell down stone stairs in Lebanon and hit my head on a sharp rock, leaving me with a scar on the top right of my forehead. I remember my mother’s highest concern was: “What boy will marry her when he finds out?” And it just escalated from there. Many women, muslim or not, whose parents have had a deep…
Amorous marriages and Arranged marriages coexist in our world because practices vary based on culture, customs, and region. Arranged marriages are those, in which the wife and the husband are matched up by someone else whether it is an elder of the family, a religious head, or a marriage service. They are very common in many parts of Asia, Africa, and Latin America. In African nations such as Niger and Chad child marriages are extremely common, with the majority of deals being struck before the…
Family arranged marriages in India versus self-arranged marriages in the United States Marriage has been defined in numerous terms by different cultures. The factors that play into creating a successful, happy marriage are viewed differently by people in different cultures. Family arranged marriage has been the tradition in Indian culture. Modernization, globalization, and urbanization have brought about the concept of self-arranged marriage from Western cultures, such as the United States. Despite…
are we doing wrong? Maybe if we rely more on arrange marriages like other cultures do, and then maybe we would not have such high divorce rate. That would be great right? Yes it will look great on the country however I am sticking to typical American marriages. I prefer finding my “soul mate” on my own and learning from mistakes. First the U.s was built with freedom in mind so in doing this you’re taking freedom away. Nevertheless arranged marriages last so long only because it is wrong to leave the…
Annotated Bibliography Latitude News spoke to South Asian women living in the U.S. with different experiences with arranged marriages. Arranged marriages are usually practiced by Hindus and Muslims. You would think that all Hindus and Muslims would agree with this type of marriage but in reality they are not all the same, and some of them don’t agree with it. For example, in the article, Omi Iqbal, a Pakistani American, was only 16 when she got engaged to a 28 year old man, and was married at 18…
Let's Arrange a Marriage By N.C “Being single is tough nowadays” a saying that surely a great sum of people have exclaimed through their frustrations of being single. These tired singles have probably tried and failed to find what they are looking for by going through the typical routes of finding a “match”. They more than likely tried finding a date through a friend, at a gym, at the local grocery store, work, speed dating, or online dating. Out of the various routes a single could take, with the…
beginning to a perfect marriage is “first comes love, then comes marriage.” But in many other parts of the world, especially the Muslim/Islamic countries, arranged marriage is often practiced. This may sound odd to the people raised in the west, but to the Islamic communities it is seen as in act of love. Arranged marriage is viewed as following the religious and traditional way of marriage, bringing closer bonds between the bride and groom families, and leading a better marriage life without having…
A marriage is not just a union of two people but a coming together of two families, two social networks which are now more closely linked than ever before. It will be an institution that is considered successful, if, it lasts lifelong. And because of different cultural, there are two type of marriage - that are arranged marriage and love marriage. Arranged marriage is a marriage which planned and agreed to by families, bride and groom have little or no say in the matter themselves. But love marriage…
must listen. However, one thing I have decided they won’t have a role in is my marriage, but am I right to do this? Am I right to not let them have a say? Are they controlling who I marry because they love me and want to have a good life, or to boost their self-esteem and tell their friends that their daughter married a wealthy man? Which leads to the question, ‘’Are love marriages better than arranged marriages?’’ Marriage is an institution which has been part of human development ever since the start…