All over the world since the Egyptian’s and the Mayan’s existed architecture was funded they were some of the best architects that the world has ever had. They desiangnt big 450ft pyramid’s and pathways threw their towns to make transportation easier for its people .Over the generations buildings have come down and building have gone up but there was always and architect behind that the architects have also a lot of knowledge in history and how thing where brought up, because they have the obligation of making gravity, space and material put into one .Computer science an early year career that was invented. In the year 1962 loran kleinrock of met developed the theory of pocket switching and MIT professor connected a Massachusetts computer to a California computer in 1965 over dial ups computer, it should a are wide internet connection which these leads to how in a matter of few years computer scientist came along and they were at first computer engineers. Do to the fact that they had to discover and developed beater networking it then became computer scientist .Over the years they had had been devoting a better understanding of technology and the world wide web, and making life a lot easier for people. In the present time of 25 years ago to know architecture and computer science, I belief that have change not only the united states but the world there have been a lot of great things and monument’s build by architects for example the twin towers the white house el castiyo de chapultepeck. Computer scenes has also contribute with its technology the first rocket on the moon the creation of world wide web the invention of cell phones these to career’s have helped and change the world immensely .Computer science a job that requires you a lot knowledge in the field of computers and technology Where it is required for you to earn a PhD to actually become a computer scientist .But architecture which is one of the world’s best careers do to the fact that the world was build buy and architect because of the land marks build like Italy and Tuscany city the Egyptian pyramids, the twin towers, architecture has raised up the world from its beginning to know.
Architecture has exited science man Cain was created but people did not realized it until know days that we luck at the history books. Since the times of the romans the Mayans the Egyptians and so on in life there was always a greet thinker behind all those pyramids, castles, towers ext. In the time of the Egyptians there was pyramids build over 450ft tall the great primed of kudu who was built in 500bc the exactitude of these people who dint even have a clue about levels, ratios and scales fore buildings or towers and they build a perfect pyramid. There was also the great filipo bruneliechi (1377-1446) is widely considered the first renaissance architect, trained in the great city of Florence brumanichihe went to the city of Rome to study ancient building’s, among his greatest buildings was the engineering of the dome Florence cathedral Santa Maria de fiore also known as the dumo .Although his building’s may appear a little small and unique, he had a way to combine to structure’s with indents and make it into art. Rome also played a part in the history of architecture because the whey they build their city’s aqueduct’s, buildings and the basilica of Rome the great architects where not classified as architect’s they were as in the instant time called thinkers but they were one of the first to have built big buildings and aqueduct’s threw the city’s. threw out the years architecture has developed a lot since the people and the technology has arisen the have been great buildings made on May 1889 the Ifol tower was made by Gustave eifel lattice structure, 324m (1,063 ft) tall, built in 1889, and has become one of the world's most recognizable and iconic buildings. But know day’s architecture has changed a lot in the past 50 years economy has risen a lot, and so does a lot of career’s
The Eyes of the Skin of Architecture Juhani Pallasmaa This book was written by Juhani Pallasmaa with regard to ‘Polemics’, on issues that were part of the architecture discourse of the time, i.e. 1995. It is also an extending of ideas expressed in an essay entitled “Architecture of the seven senses” published in 1994. As suggested by the title, this piece of literature attempts to highlight the importance of sensory experience in architecture. It is indeed a response to what the author terms…
were used to create any sort of shelter. As the industrial realm began to expand, metals such as iron were then able to be mined in vast quantities “and replace wood, brick, and stone as primary materials for large buildings.” (“Building Design/Architecture” 1). Charles Bage, a mill owner from Britain, was a pioneer in the use of iron as a replacement for such primitive materials. His original architectural design, which he created in 1796 and was known as the “fireproof design”, made use of cast…
Shane Christie Assignment 2 Classical Architecture the Foundation of a New Nation After the revolution ended, the newly independent American’s wanted to create their own culture distinct from the British culture they had just escaped. This included the clothes they wore, the literature they read, the artwork, music, and furniture. The most visual of the changes is the architecture in the buildings that were being built. In order to show their new power and potential they had as a country, American’s…
history and architecture San Francisco Chinatown a guide to its history and architecture is written by architect and Chinese American studies pioneer Philip Choy, the book details the triumphs and tragedies of the Chinese American experience in the United States. The dragon's child a story of Angel Island The dragon's child a story of Angel Island is written by Yep Kathleen, the book states in 1922, ten-year-old Gim Lew reluctantly leaves his village in China to accompany his father to America, but before…
What were the greatest civilizations in America before 15,000 c.e.? What kind of lifestyle was in america during this time? In america there was a great variety of civilizations. Each civilization had its unique properties and other properties were similar. It's still unknown on how did these individuals get to the Americas. Although, there are several amazing theories about how these people got to the americas it is still just suppositions, and they are just proven to be accurate but not true. However…
time when it was built. As mentioned earlier the building is mainly made out of iron which makes it very strong against, winds of up to 200/mph and can stand earthquakes of up to 8 on the Richter scale. When put against the other major building in America, the space needle is dwarfed by them all, being only 184 m tall. The building is located on 400 Broad Street Seattle, Washington, US and was the main attraction of the world fair 1962’. Subjective frame I feel very confronted when I see this…
- 1st ever modern art show in America - Held in New York at the 69th regiment national guard - Exhibited more than 1200 Post-Impressionists, Fauves, Cubists and American Artists works - The show exposed Americans to new art being developed in Europe " " Prairie Style Architecture - Style of architecture developed by Frank Lloyd Wright - Used natural materials - Architecture should blend with the landscape - Characteristics of Prairie style architecture 1.Cantilever to extent roof line…
but it has curved acanthus leaves instead of scrolls. I also described the three and showed how they kept being used in modern times in pictures. Greek architecture has modeled western architecture in many ways. This is because the Greeks and Romans had an incredibly beautiful way of doing work. The reason it was efficient was because the architecture was also stable and kept buildings up ad strong for long periods of time. For example most buildings in Washington, D.C. Have pillar like designs. There are…
fascinating how much influence Greek and Roman architecture still has in the modern era. The Supreme Court building is a prime example of how Ancient Greek and Roman architecture is still being implemented in today’s modern era to symbolize power, order and authority. Seeing as how our system of government is loosely based off of the Greek Republic System, it is not surprising that our “building of law,” was created in the image of Greek architecture. Due to its outlandish location, which is found…
What is hyperreality and what does it mean? Why is Las Vegas postulated to be ‘hyperreal’? Furthermore why is it that so many people in the world want to visit Las Vegas, and people return back to Las Vegas year after year, even though we all believe the city, and everything within it, is superficial and fake? Perhaps it is to do with nostalgia, or the fact that Las Vegas is very good at being a themed illusion which puts everyone into a trance and make them believe they are in fantasyland? Why…