Essay Anything: Slavery in the United States and Slavery

Submitted By Khalah
Words: 419
Pages: 2

I. Slavery – not on the minds of Northern soldiers when war started, but clearly an issue that pervaded all of the social, political and economic causes a. Would there have been a split without slavery – no – root of all conflicts b. Conflicts existed from birth of nation

II. Economic – two competing industries – industrial north vs. agrarian south – free labor vs. slave labor a. Tariff battle for almost a century – south wants low, north high i. Believed in nullification of Congressional laws 1. Goes back to Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions regarding Alien and Sedition Acts ii. South needed low tariffs because they existed on King Cotton iii. Recession of 1857 causes bigger divide

III. Political a. Representation in Senate/Congress i. Every new state could ruin balance – both sides feared other side would try to mandate their society on the other federally ii. Ostend Manifesto – slavery in Cuba as well as slavery in West? – bad news b. State power vs. Federal power i. Southern states still felt states were sovereign – goes back to Federalist/Anti-Federalist battle c. Free Soil Party – 1847 – no slavery in territories

IV. Social – North sees south as aristocratic medieval country, South sees North as corrupt immigrant urban a. Abolitionisism – slavery moral wrong – Second Great Awakening b. Anti-aristocratic ethos – common man better than gentry south

V. Catalysts – events that made both sides look evil, and created larger tension a. Compromise of 1850 – CA admitted, popular sovereignty, DC no slaves, tougher/enforced fugitive slave act b. Uncle Tom’s Cabin – Stowe – first glimpse of Europe and North of life in South – kept England out of war – queen allegedly cried c. Fugitive Slave Act – force Northerners to return blacks to South d. Kansas-Nebraska Act – 1854 split territories– dissenters create