antibiotic resistance Essay

Submitted By emma5645
Words: 361
Pages: 2

Human Biology Antibiotics Resistance Pathogens are organisms, such as a virus, fungus, or bacteria that cause a disease in another organism. Diseases range from the common cold to food poisoning to meningitis. They spread in various ways such as coming into contact with bodily fluids, being in contact with an infected, or ingestion. Bacteria are microorganisms too small to see that exist in any environment in the world. Viruses are microorganisms that can only reproduce through a host cell. After contacting a host cell, the virus will insert genetic material and take over the hosts functions. The infected cell now reproduces as the virus. Viruses can infect all types of living forms, from animals and plants to bacteria to humans. Antibiotics are types of medication that destroy or slow down the growth infections caused by bacteria. Antibiotics specifically target bacteria. Viruses are not structured like bacteria so antibiotics do not work on them. Viruses do not reproduce on their own, and therefore are not considered living. Antibiotics naturally destroy or kill bacteria but in some cases it does not. Antibiotics resistance occurs when strains of bacteria in the human body become resistant to antibiotics due to the improper use and abuse of antibiotics. Causes of abuse are largely due to physicians and patients. Patients often urge their doctors to prescribe them antibiotics when tests do not prove they are infected by a bacterium. The body becomes immune to the medication and when the