There are no countries in Antarctica.
The ice can be more than 4 km thick in some places. This ice flows off the continent and creates floating ice shelves over the ocean; these shelves break up and create icebergs. If Antarctica’s ice sheets melted, the world’s oceans would rise by 60-65 meters.
The Arctic region lies at the North Pole. It is a small, frozen ocean surrounded by the northern edges of Europe, Asia, and North America, whose flat, bleak landscape is known as the tundra. The region is a cold and hostile environment and few people live there. The Arctic Ocean, however, teems with wildlife.
These long cylindrical samples of Antarctica's ice, with dust and air bubbles trapped inside, can provide a wealth of information about the earth's climate over the past 10,000 years. If the scientist melted one of the ice cores, he could give you a drink of water that was frozen during the middle ages.
Its sea ice expands about 40,000 square miles per day, adding up to an extra 12 million square miles of ice around the land mass (the equivalent of 1.5 United States). In effect, it doubles the size of the continent. In summer the new ice breaks up and melts.
There are no indigenous populations of people on the frozen continent. Today, human habitation exists at a variety of science research stations placed by a number of countries. The freezing weather is an excellent location to study how the body and mind adapts to the cold. Scientists also drill for ice cores, which can provide a climate history of the region over thousands of years. The vast vegetation-free expanse makes an excellent place to search for meteorites; the dark rocks stand out easily on the white backdrop and
of British scientists went to Antarctica to explore the theory that life forms once existed in the dark and deep lakes hidden beneath the ice sheets in Antarctica that were buried over 100,000 years ago. The temperature at the North and South poles have both been rising. Therefore, the ice sheets are melting. The scientists explored Lake Hodgson, which was once covered in 400 meter thick ice sheets and is now covered by only 3-4 meters. They drilled into the ice 93 meters deep to reach the bottom…
Climate Change: Fact or Fiction? Martin Ray Central Carolina Technical College December 1 2013 Abstract Climate Change is a term often used in place of the term “Global Warming”. This is the first place the general population errs. Climate change refers to a change in the earth’s natural state; it includes global warming, but also includes, global cooling, the changes in precipitation, changes in the atmosphere, land masses and oceans and also changes in storm frequency and…
If too much infrared energy is trapped it makes the earth too warm and thus unlivable. 6. Sketch the general trend of the “CO2 Level” versus time graph below: 7. What percentage of people depend on glacial melt for their drinking water? 40% 8. Why is studying ice cores important? It gives us a 650,000 year record of climatic change. 9. What is the relationship between carbon dioxide (CO2) and atmospheric temperature? As CO2 levels increase temperatures increase. 10. Over what time period have the hottest 10 years on earth occurred…
believe that the temperature of the Earth slowly fluctuates over time. In fact, several scientists estimate that between 15,000 and 30,000 years ago the Earth was covered by large sheets of ice. This period of time was known as the Ice Age. As the temperature of the Earth began to rise 7,000 years ago, the Ice Age came to an end. The first theory of global warming came in 1824 when French mathematician Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier discovered that the Earth's temperature was slowly increasing.…
Introduction: There has been a continuing argument whether humans are the main cause if Global Warming or if it’s a natural process of the earth. In this speech, we will discuss both sides of the arguments, the impact and come to a final decision. Global Warming is the average temperature around the world that is rising. Green house gases are the main culprits of Global Warming, which are the gases that trap heat around the Earth. The present situation of the Earth caused by Global Warming is that…
Luis Marenco Mr. Moreno-AP Environmental Science Global Warming Global warming has practically been the number one topic of discussion in today’s scientific research. What is global warming? Global warming is an increase in the average temperature in the earth’s atmosphere. For many years now, there have been discussions on whether global warming is caused by man-made carbon dioxide or natural greenhouse gases. Many…
environment in which the individual has grown up in, social, political and environmental factors all contribute to ones attitudes and values, by the end of this report I shall identify why each stakeholder holds the attitude and value that they have. Values Core beliefs that guide and motivate attitudes and actions Attitudes Feelings towards certain idea or issues UNESCO, 2010 Stakeholder a stakeholder as any group or individual who can be affected by the achievement of organisations…
Natural Phenomenon The global warming subject has been a heated debate for the past few decades. Some scientists are saying this is a completely man made problem. There are two clear sides to this subject and both have evidence, but the evidence is stronger on that global warming is just Mother Nature at work. The government has poured hundreds of millions of tax payer dollars into research for manmade global warming. The theory is that humans are causing the “greenhouse effect” and putting too…
future climate by using observations and theoretical models. A climate record — extending deep into the Earth's past — has been assembled, and continues to be built up, based on geological evidence from borehole temperature profiles, cores removed from deep accumulations of ice, floral and faunal records, glacial and periglacial processes, stable-isotope and other analyses of sediment layers, and records of past sea levels. More recent data are provided by the instrumental record. General circulation models…
Global Warming By L Nickerson How do you feel about Global Warming? Is it real? What are the effects of it? How can we help stop or slow it down? In this paper I am going to explain how global warming has a direct effect on the modern. To start yes, global warming is very real. The effects are harmful and as you keep reading this paper you will find what has happened because of it. One way we can slow it down is the Green Movement. The Green Movement is when Recycling, The Clean…