Is animal cruelty acceptable?
One of the largest factors of unnecessary deaths of animals is animal experimentation. Do you know that the shampoo you use has probably been forced down the throats of rabbits, cats and probably even dogs? Every year millions of animals are used to test how safe and effects products such as medicines and cosmetics are. In the U.S alone millions of animals are killed in laboratories every year. In the U.S in 2009 1.13 million animals were used in experiments (excluding rats, mice, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and agricultural animals used in agricultural experiments), plus an estimated 100 million mice and rats and 76,001 were subjected to pain without pain relief. Animal experimenters attempt to recreate human diseases in labs and then test them on healthy animals using deliberate and violent methods. Substances are injected into the animals, chemicals are force-fed, irritants are rubbed into the eyes and skin, and even testing of animal fetuses is involved. 50% of the animals die after 2-3 weeks of this testing, and the rest are left to suffer. Many of the substances tested are never given approval for human use or consumption. This is not acceptable as replacement techniques such as computer models are now available. Three animals are dying in labs every second of every day, by the time you have read this, over 600 animals will have died in these labs.
However there also some advantages to animal testing. One of the advantages of animal testing is that it allows researchers to develop new medications and treatments. For example, many drugs used to treat or prevent cancer, HIV, diabetes, infections and other medical diseases have resulted from tests performed on animals. Animal testing also enables scientists and researchers to test the safety of medications and other substances that humans use regularly. Drugs, for instance, may pose significant risks to humans, so testing them on animals first gives researchers a chance to determine drugs' safety before human trials are performed. While scientists are aware of the differences between humans and animals, the similarities are considered significant enough to produce relevant, useful data that they can then apply to humans. This means animal testing reduces harm to humans and saves lives.
It has been
once argued that, “animals are not sentient- they are machines, like mechanical clocks, devoid of feelings and incapable of experiencing pleasure or pain” (Vaughn). Today, unlike Descartes, most people believe that animals are intrinsically or instrumentally valuable, also, whether they have or deserve any rights. Defining what cruelty is has been very subjective. To some people. An animal is just property and they can beat it around as much as they want, to others, animals are part of their family…
Penning and Bear baiting Bear baiting or penning involves the capture of wild animals in order to fight packs of hunting dogs, being subjected to physical and mental abuse for entertainment. Bears and humans do not interact, but humans have been luring them in in rural areas by providing food and then trapping them. They use methods of leg holds, body grips, and wire snare traps to capture the animals and abuse them. They are restrained in parts such as their eyes, muzzle or their stomachs and…
severe animal cruelty in Chicago illustrate the need to more comprehensively prosecute abusers ("Family abandons dog, strangers abuse it," and "Cops: Man throws boiling water on urinating dog,"). To go so far as to abandon, beat or burn a defenseless dog indicates a level of behavior that needs to be assessed as well as punished. Animals are part of the family and should be treated as a small child. Would you beat or burn a child because they did something wrong? I surly hope not. Animal Cruelty such…
Animal Cruelty Imagine being picked and poked more than once. Imagine losing your life just to please a species. It sounds amazing to do right?-No. A lot of you may know what animal abuse is and a lot of you may not. Although it is much more than just hitting an animal or leaving them in a cage for days without food or water. It’s much more than that , It is sticking a needle into a rabbit’s skin to test medicines, it’s taking off skin with chemicals, it’s also putting mice or rats in a box and…
Animal Cruelty What is Animal cruelty? Animal Cruelty is when someone hurts an animal or doesn’t care for the animal responsibly. Animal cruelty can be deliberate abuse (Deliberate means “done consciously and intentionally.”) or failure to take care of the animal. The animal could suffer badly. People with emotional problems might beat, shoot or stab animals… even set the animal on fire. Neglecting the animal means not giving it enough or any at all of what it needs to survive, like food, water…
Kayla Weis A Look into Animal Cruelty Adv. Comp 12/9/12 A Look into Animal Cruelty Animal neglect takes many forms; puppy mills, animal hoarding, or dog fights are only a few examples. Many other incidences with animal abuse happen to the unseen eye of the public all around the nation. A recent news feed covering animal cruelty has given rise to the awareness; a father and son crime, ages sixty and twenty-nine, were apprehended after a neighbor witnessed them outside beating their domestic…
On February 2010 the Animal Welfare Act was revised and enforced in order to protect animals from cruelty, unauthorized testing, selling and transporting. Although the federal law strictly annotates the dos and don’ts on animal testing, it does provide many exceptions for most of their laws. During the past years many companies have been scrutinized by testing beauty products and experimental drugs on animals. Although, much controversy has plagued many it is necessary to see the reality and necessity…
February ………. Animal cruelty comes in all forms, but one form might be right in front US citizens; animal performers. Animal performers are all around, from on TV to zoos and circuses. Animals have been a form of entertainment for centuries and even though there are more regulations now, are they enough? In most Americans minds the animals that are around are free, safe, happy creatures, but most Americans do not know the psychological effects of being in captivity. Or how animal performs really…
Paper Animal Cruelty Animal cruelty is a growing social issue that many people do not understand. Each type of abuse has displayed certain patterns of behavior that we can use to help understand more about why people commit the crimes they do today. Animal cruelty is broken down into two main categories: active and passive. Active cruelty implies malicious intent, where a person had deliberately and intentionally causes harm to an animal. I want to argue to argue for the prevention of animal cruelty…
Animal Cruelty: The Fur Industry Oscar Otero-Fierro University of Texas at El Paso Professor Rodriguez English 1312: Research and Critical Writing Animal Cruelty: The Fur Industry Recently, all throughout the United States theirs been ongoing organizations and campaigns that have risen the voice of for the animal’s in the fur industry, this is due to the fact that theirs been infiltrations on this industries, which can no longer keep the issues under wraps. The media…