Blood (Connective Tissue)
Plasma- liquid potion of blood 55% plasma
Formed elements- cells and cell fragments of blood
RBC= red blood cell
WBC= white blood cells or leukocytes- platelets
Hemopoiesis – blood cell production
Pluripotent stem cell- cells with capacity to develop into several types of cells
Blood is very unique, nothing else is like it.
Blood cell production takes place in the red bone marrow
Physical Characteristics of Blood
More viscous than water
Temperature about 1 degree C higher than oral or rectal body temperature
Alkaline pH (7.35-7.45)
~ 8% of total bod weight
5-6 liter in adult male
4-5 liter in adult female
Spleen is an oil filter- will replace worn out blood cells every 120 days.
Functions of Blood
Oxygen from lungs to body tissues
Metabolic wastes from tissues to lungs, kidneys, and liver
Nutrients from GI tract to body cells
Regulation pH via buffers body temperature
Components of Blood
45% formed elements
99% are RBCs
1% WBCs and platelets
55% blood plasma
How many cells in the human body? Approx. 100 trillion
Oxygen is the most viral element of the body
Blood Plasma
91.5% water
7% proteins (synthesized by hepatocytes- in the liver)
Most plentiful is albumin 54% of all proteins
Helps maintain blood osmotic pressure- keeps h2o in blood stream and not letting it get into your tissues
Globulins 38% of all proteins (antibodies) Igg, Iga, Igm
Fibrinogen 7% of all proteins (helps in your blood clots) fibrinogen + thrombin = fibrin
1.5% solutes other than proteins
Electrolytes, nutrients, gases, regulatory substances, vitamins, and waste products
Erythropoietin (EPO)
Secreted by kidney cells when blood oxygen is low
Targets cells in red bone marrow that will become red blood cells
Promotes increased numbers of mature red blood cells
More mature red blood cells carry more oxygen so blood oxygen level is restored to normal
Hormone that stimulates RBC production
Anemia- abnormally low hematocrit
Polycythemia- abnormally high hematocrit
Process by which formed elements develop
Before birth
Liver, spleen, thymus, lymph nodes of fetus
Last trimester and beyond Red bone marrow
Found in spaces of trabeculae of spongy bone
0.05-0.1& of red bone marrow are pluripotent stem cells
RBC or Erythrocytes
Contain hemoglobin
Adult males
~5.4 million rbcs per microliter of blood
One drop of blood is ~50 microliters
RBCs leave marrow at 2 million per second
Same rate they are destroyed
RBC Anatomy
Biconcave on disks
~8 micrometers diameter
Lack a nucleus and other organelles angit Lack mitochondria
Essentially a plasma membrane, cytosol, and hemoglobin
Contains ~280 million hemoglobin mol Heme is made to help bind oxygen
Bile brakes down and emulsifies fats, the way body gets rid of cholesterol and fats
Natalia Chapman Anatomy and Physiology Exam Re-grade III 1a. A – For this question I lost points because I honestly got mixed up with the words spermatogonia and spermatozoon. Spermatogonia is actually the specialized cells that sperm production beings with, these cells lie on the basement membrane of the seminiferous tubule. When the spermatogonia begin to divide sperm production begins. B – The correct answer should be spermatozoa or spermatozoon. In the first division of sperm development…
Chapter 17: Blood Vessels 1. Hemostasis * Stops blood loss from damaged blood vessel walls * Establishes framework for tissue repairs * Usually divided into 3 phases but continuous process 1. Vascular phase 2. Platelet phase 3. Coagulation phase 2. Events of the vascular phase * Endothelial cells contract exposing underlying basal lamina to bloodstream * Endothelial cells release chemical factors, local hormones, and endothelins…
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MAMMALIAN ANATOMY: BIO. 2233; FALL 2013 • Monday, August 26, Classes Begin • Monday, September 2, LABOR DAY HOLIDAY • Monday, September 9, Last Day to Drop a Course • Tuesday, October 22, Last Day to withdraw a Course • Wednesday, Oct. 23; Registration begins(Spring- 2014) • Thursday to Sunday, Nov. 28 to 30: THANKS GIVING BREAK • Wednesday, Dec. 4: Weekday classes end • Thursday & Friday, Dec. 5 & 6: Study days • MONDAY DECEMBER 9 TO 14 FINAL EXAMS SOME POINEERS OF THE CONTEMPORARY ANATOMY ARISTOTLE:…
of anatomy and physiology: 1. Generally speaking, what does the study of anatomy and physiology tell you about structure and function relationships in the human body? What determines function? - Structure determines function. Anatomy is how we describe structures, where it is located, what it is made of, and who it is related to. The physiology tells us the function. 2. Anatomy and physiology can be studied from many perspectives. What is meant by gross anatomy and microscopic anatomy? What…
have more multimedia and some extra examples, but the content is essentially the same as your printable outline] I. Anatomy vs. Physiology A. Anatomy - the study of the structure and organization of the human body B. Physiology - the study of body function II. Topics of Anatomy A. GROSS Anatomy - the study of body structures that can be seen with the naked eye 1. SYSTEMIC Anatomy - all of the organs with related functions are studied together as a system; for example, the skeletal system; we…
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