CC English
Pagan vs. Christian Influences in Beowulf At the time of its creation, Beowulf was influenced by Pagan rituals, deities and ideas, but by passing down the epic narrative word of mouth, an age of Christianity will have had a residual effect on the story. The mix of ideas is not a struggle for religious power in the story, but Paganism’s heroic ideals and Christianity’s self-sacrificing virtues blend to form a delicate mosaic that could have not been otherwise. Danish Paganism highly regards the concepts of fame, fate, and vengeance. These are highly evident in Beowulf, but within these are woven the Christian qualities of loyalty, humility, sacrifice for the good of others, and sympathy for those less fortunate. The story also subtly hints at the negative consequences of greed and pride throughout, also falling under Christian influence. Paganism today can be grouped by the belief that there is a pantheon of gods or deities, each controlling the fate of the world. Roman and Greek Paganism were hugely different northern Europe’s more magically based style. In Paganism, the theme is more peaceful, and its few warriors are known for their renowned deeds that could normally surpass a regular human’s limits, such as Beowulf’s. Christianity is not just about Jesus , but the belief of the entire Bible, all of its concepts and the usage of a moral code to live by. Such concepts of Christianity reveal themselves in the epic Beowulf, attracting the reader’s better natured side and appealing to emotions like sympathy, and ideals relating to preserving all life forms. By using the three key monsters, Grendel, Grendel’s mother and the dragon, there are moments that feed the Christian instinct. Not only appealing to the Christian audiences, the characters in Beowulf take on certain Biblical roles that similarities in like characters can be drawn to. Beowulf, being the underdog, travels to Grendel’s home field and slew the impossible beast. Further similarities are uncovered when Beowulf fights Grendel’s mother. The role of fame is lathered heavily in the plot of Beowulf. In fact, after setting up the beginning scene in Herot, fame is the first idea stressed when Beowulf tries to enter. Upon hearing of King Hrothgar’s plight with the fearsome demon, Beowulf comes from overseas to enlist on the front lines against it. But the guards into King Hrothgar’s town, Herot, are reluctant to allow him passage. To prove his sincerity, Beowulf boasts about his former triumphs and because of his fame, enters unadulterated, “Ah! Unferth, my friend…floating lifeless in the sea,”(530-558). Fame in Paganism, and to be famous according to Beowulf and other characters in the story, is to have great prowess and to accomplish many heroic deeds. Beowulf demonstrates how important fame is to him when he boasts. “Prince of the Geats...shoulder and all,” (830-839) shows after fighting Grendel he tears off his arm and uses it as a trophy in the great hall in order to receive more fame. This is where it can be argued that during his many battles, Beowulf fought because of one of two motives. He could have been fighting purely on the behalf of himself. When he heard a challenge, he came running, because he was on a power-ego trip where its expansion would never cease until he died. He didn’t care if others died, as long as he killed the monster, his fame would be boosted, and he would be the hero. Or, Beowulf could have done all of this sacrificially. Because of the Christian age , Beowulf is a good, accepted character, because he has character as seen here, “That this is one...from this hall,”(430-432). The struggle created is which force would overpower the other: the will to sacrifice yourself for the greater good, a Christian concept, or the want of more fame, a Pagan concept. If he was totally virtuous and valued another human life without thinking of his own demise then he could be paralleled to another Christian
An unknown Anglo-Saxon poet composed Beowulf, a pagan epic of grand proportions in 700 A.D. The poem takes place in 500 A.D before many of the Anglo-Saxons had been converted to Christianity; therefore, the poem has distinct pagan context. “The difficulty in Beowulf is that the pagan elements seem to confound the aesthetic effect, to destroy the consistency of tone” (Benson 36). Because Beowulf was orally narrated for many years before the tale was written down, the poem has been overly impacted…
Summary I have done my best to separate this this report in two separate categories according to subject. Hopefully this breaks the report into manageable pieces for ease of understanding Quantitative Risks A quantitative risk is used when relating risks to the probability of a financial loss. So, the risks that will have an effect on the project are as follows: The first and biggest Risk is the deadline. The reason being is that we only have 9 months to get this done and functional. If we…
many people believe them to be vastly different, Paganism and Christianity do have numerous similarities and differences, particularly in regards to their beliefs, observances and holidays. In general, Pagans believe in the presence of “the divine in nature”, not wishing to harm the environment. Pagans believe that humanity is not “set above” the rest of nature. However, Paganism encompasses many different religions, such as Wiccans, Druids, Heathens and Odinists, meaning there is no single set of beliefs…
will cover the Pagan religious traditions. Paganism is a religion that focuses on rituals using natural surroundings, wisdom, and worshiping many gods. Relationships play an essential part in Paganism. The belief system and practices of the religion are centered throughout the divine, sacred time, and the natural world. Critical issues such as how the Pagan religion was found will also be brought to attention. Relationships Divine According to, “Pagans are deeply aware…
This was probably true because at the time when it was written, most of the few people who knew how to read and write were in the clergy. There are various references within the poem to elements of the Christian religion. However, the story is about Pagan people and certain aspects of their culture are even glorified. The ambiguity of Beowulf’s religious content has caused confusion as to what significance religion had in inspiring the author and in what manner the author meant to inspire or influence…
and he defends his people courageously, dying in the process. “Beowulf” is a clear example of a Pagan epic as a result of several accounts of supernatural elements, fate, and boasting. In this epic, Beowulf is abound in supernatural elements of pagan associations. From “magic veins” (10. 530) to magic powers, Beowulf’s life is surrounded with the supernatural. The most evident of supernatural pagan associations in “Beowulf” is Grendel; “He slipped through the door and there in the silence / Snatched…
and what do they deal with? Augustine was born at Tagaste on 13 November 354. His family was not wealthy but they were able to send Augustine to school to obtain a Christian education. His mother was Christian, but his father Patricius remained a pagan. Because Augustine was such a good student, his father decided to send him to Carthage to study forensics; however, his father needed several months to get the money together for Carthage. At sixteen, Augustine remained at Tagaste with nothing to…
they were farmers and fishermen by trade. They were also a worrier society because the Viking raiders constantly harassed their coast and plundered their towns. During this time the monks from the main land gradually converted the people from their pagan faith to Christianity. All of these things that characterized the Anglo Saxon period are apparent in the epic poem Beowulf. Beowulf is a timeless example of first century western European Poetry . He shows the tradition of his warrior culture. The…
Ancient Rome Religion Pagans religions believed in many of gods and generally worshipped the Earth, sea, sun, sky, and various other elements of nature. The Romans were polytheistic and much of their lives were spent in fervent effort to please their gods. This was because ancient Romans believed that their gods had great influence over their daily lives and fates. In order to placate the gods, the Romans believed that certain rituals and rites must be performed in appreciation that certain rituals…
witchcraft for Christians. The Devil, an important element in witchcraft, was referred to by the biblical name “Satan”, which means “the adversary”, and since Satan is the one tempting people and leading them from Christ, people were taught to fear pagan deities. This revealed a competition of which would be the “primary” faith. Because it was enforced that God is the only being that could make miracles happen, any inferences that gave reason to believe the Devil had power or control of creation or…