Treaty Of Tordesillas Essay

Submitted By marthamv
Words: 2106
Pages: 9

Martha Vasquez
September 14, 2013
E Block

Identification of Terms- Unit 1

1 (1) Treaty of Tordesillas What: An agreement signed at Tordesillas between Spain and Portugal that divided the new lands in two zones. It renewed the papal bill of 1493 by reestablishing the line. When: June 1494 Significance or Impact: The treaty shifted the demarcation line and gave the lands to the west to Spain and the lands to the east to Portugal, but since there was little geographical knowledge, the Spanish gained much more land than the Portuguese.

2 (13) Mayflower Compact What: A document signed by a migration of Puritans in the New World that established a civil government and an allegiance to the king. It was the first governing document in the Plymouth Colony. When: 1620 Significance or Impact: It set a precedent for the founding fathers in the creation of the Constitution. It helped spread the idea of creating a document in which the rights would be protected through the document.

3 (19) Maryland Act of Toleration What: A law that was enacted to protect Catholic settlers in Maryland from all other religions. It mandated religious toleration in the Province of Maryland. When: April 1649 Significance or Impact: It helped spread the idea of religious toleration and it was one of the first colonies to set that model.

4 (28) Sir Edmund Andros Who: The British colonial governor of the dominion of New England, who was criticized for taxing too much and for his methods of governing. When: Late 1680s Significance or Impact: He raised a feeling of independence among the New Englanders and he showed that the colonies did not want to be controlled by an authoritarian ruler. It showed the defiance of the New Englanders when they overthrew Sir Andros.

5 (29) Jacob Leisler Who: Jacob Leisler led a rebellion, known as Leisler’s rebellion, against colonial officials in New York and he took over the government until he was hung for treason. When: 1640-1691 Significance or Impact: He caused there to be a split in the New York politics in the rivalry between the Leislerians and the anti-Leilserians. It encouraged people to rebel against the rich elites of Britain that were oppressing the farmers and merchants.

6 (33) Albany Conference What: A conference of colonial leaders from Pennsylvania, Maryland, New York, and New England that met to negotiate a treaty with the Iroquois. The delegates also spoke of creating “one general government” with an appointed governor and legislature that would be elected by the colonial assemblies. None of the assemblies approved it. When: 1754 Significance or Impact: It helped spread the idea of a unified, central government because it was the first attempt to create one for the 13 colonies. It was the first move towards a unified government.

7 (35) Pontiac’s Rebellion What: An Indian revolt after the French-Indian War that showed the dissatisfaction the Indians had for the postwar British policies. Even though the British promised they would no longer settle in the Indian lands, the colonists did not follow those rules and trespassed their lands anyway. When: 1763 Significance or Impact: The uprising encouraged the British government to modify the policies that had provoked the conflict. It sparked anger in the Indian tribes, but it did not stop the colonists’ encroachment on their land.

8 (36) Proclamation of 1763 What: A ruling that forbade colonists to settle beyond the Appalachian Mountains in order to prevent fighting with the Indian tribes. When: 1763 Significance or Impact: A desire of farmland and a resentment of British restrictions led many colonists to defy the Proclamation. It angered many of the colonists because they thought the British were just trying to limit their power.

9 (37) Currency Act 1764 What: This act forced the colonial assemblies to stop issuing paper money and to retrieve all the money that was in circulation. When: 1764 Significance or Impact: It was an