America Pre-1492 Essay

Submitted By glenice1950
Words: 393
Pages: 2

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ENGL 1101
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A Character Analysis of Buddy’s Friend in “A Christmas Memory” In 1966, Truman Capote’s “A Christmas Memory” was published in hard copy for the first time by Random House. The story focuses on two characters, Buddy, the seven-year-old narrator, and his unnamed cousin who is in her sixties. The two cousins forge a lifelong friendship centered around the yearly preparations for Christmas or “fruitcake weather” (47). The friendship between the Buddy and his friend thrive as they embark on numerous adventures during the Great Depression time period in the country’s history, a time when people were very poor and had to rely on each other for their survival. Buddy’s friend, a character who is modeled after a cousin with whom Capote lived during his childhood, is described as being “. . . still a child” (48), which allows the two to become amd maintain their friendship. Throughout the story, Buddy’s friend demonstrates certain characteristics that make their existence a more pleasant and enduring one. One characteristic of Buddy’s friend is that she is very wise. (Topic Sentence)

Develop the first paragraph by giving at least three-five specific examples from the text to support the idea that Buddy’s friend is wise. Use examples and/or direct quotations to illustrate this idea. Next, Buddy’s friend possesses the characteristic of innocence throughout “A Christmas Memory.”

Develop the second paragraph by giving at least three-five specific examples from the text to support the idea that Buddy’s friend is innocent. Use examples and/or direct quotations to illustrate