Essay on 5 outcomes

Submitted By hannzz_
Words: 636
Pages: 3

The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, the regulations state that the setting you are working in will have a safety policy if it has more than five staff working. This policy covers emergency procedures in case of a fire, accident, or other emergencies. There are many different types of emergency and it is important to know all of different procedures are in case of a fire or if a child goes missing.
An emergency can be caused by:
Missing children
Security incidents
Any other serious threats
All setting you work at should have clear arrangements for an emergency situations which includes having emergency contact numbers, clear instructions and evacuations procedures.
Every child should have a card with their emergency contact number of their parents or any other relatives. They be people that are easy to get in contact with. The person who is in charge must get in contact with the emergency contact as soon as they can and tell the person what has happened and where the child is being taken to. If the child has to go to the hospital before the parents arrive, someone the child knows really well should go to the hospital with them.
Your setting should have displayed instructions that make it clear and for you to understand:
Where the emergency exits are
Where to meet if the building had to be evacuated
What to do if a child goes missing
Who is responsible for what
What to do if there is a fire
What to do if there is a threat to the security of the children
A building may need to be evacuated if a fire occurs. Members of staff are responsible for the procedures and they will make sure that all of the staff know what to do.

Make sure that you know where the fire exits are in your setting. Do not put anything in the way of an emergency exit.
This is what you should do and what not to do in an event of a fire:
Do not leave the children alone.
Do not stop to put out the fire unless it is very small
Close the doors and try and get the children out of the building by the normal routines.

Call the fire brigade by telephone as soon as you can:
Lift up the telephone and dial 999
Give the operator your telephone number and ask for FIRE
When the