29 Teens In The Bible

Submitted By Kimilp
Words: 874
Pages: 4

Daniel Darling - danieldarling.com - darling02@sbcglobal.net

29 Teens In the Bible
The following are the 29 young people from the Bible and their stories as told in Teen People of the Bible. (New Hope, 2007)
1) Cain – Story: Cain’s open rebellion against God resulted in his tragic choice to kill his brother. Where in the Bible: Genesis 3:1 through 4:5 2) Abel – Story: Abel lived a short, but meaningful life. His name mean’s “whisper”, but his testimony for God spoke volumes. Where in the Bible: Genesis 3:1 through 4:5 3) Isaac -Story: Isaac was born for a special purpose and had the faith to give up his life for God. Where in the Bible: Genesis 22 4) Rebekah --

By Daniel Darling

Daniel Darling - danieldarling.com - darling02@sbcglobal.net

Story: Rebekah displayed extraordinary faith on an ordinary day and embarked on a radical journey of faith. Where in the Bible: Genesis 24 5) Esau – Story: He bartered away his future for momentary pleasure. His life was an unending series of regrets and misfires. Where in the Bible: Genesis 25:20-34 6) Jacob – Story: Jacob exploited his friends and his family for his own gain, but a radical encounter with God set him on course. Where in the Bible: Genesis 25-28 7) Leah – Story: She couldn’t live up to anyone’s expectations and battled depression and insecurity. Where in the Bible: Genesis 29 8) Rachel – Story: She was the favored sister, the girl that everyone wanted to have. She struggled with pride her entire life. Where in the Bible: Genesis 29-30 9) Joseph – Story: Joseph was betrayed, resisted sexual temptation, and was falsely accused and yet trusted God enough to see God’s will prevail. Where in the Bible: Genesis 37-39 10) Miriam – Story: Her quick thinking not only saved her brother’s life—it saved an entire nation. Where in the Bible: Exodus 2:1-10

Daniel Darling - danieldarling.com - darling02@sbcglobal.net

11) Moses – Story: Moses left all the perks of his royal life to identify with God’s people. Where in the Bible: Acts 7:20-25; Hebrews 11:23-27

12) Rahab – Story: Rahab left behind a checkered past and embraced the grace of a loving God. She became part of Israel’s history. Where in the Bible: Joshua 2 13) Samson – Story: Samson wasted his natural talents, good parents, and golden opportunities and pursued a life of pleasure and pain. Where in the Bible: Judges 13-16 14) Samuel – Story: Samuel’s birth was a miracle. As a young man, he listened to God’s voice and became an agent of change in a decadent culture. Where in the Bible: 1 Samuel 3 15) David – Story: David was an obscure and overlooked young man who sought God as a teen and never looked back. Where in the Bible: 1 Samuel 16 16) Michal – Story: Michal pinned all her hopes on one man’s love and became disappointed and bitter toward God.

Daniel Darling - danieldarling.com - darling02@sbcglobal.net

Where in the Bible: 1 Samuel 18:28-30 17) Jonathan – Story: He gave up the throne for his best friend and willing spent the rest of his life in the shadows of David. Where in the Bible: 1 Samuel 18:1–4; 23:16–18 18) Solomon – Story: He began life with such promise, but allowed lust and