In The Bottom Billion: Why the Poorest Countries Are
Failing and What Can Be
Done about It, economist
Paul Collier investigates global stratification, particularly as it applies to the poorest people on the planet. THINK Sociology, Second Edition
John D. Carl
Global Stratification
• Global stratification is the categorization of countries based on objective criteria such as wealth, power, and prestige, which highlight social patters of inequality throughout the world
– Nearly half of the world’s population live on less than two dollars a day
Population and
Geographic Area
• When comparing nations and regions, size matters
– Factors such as population and geographic size can determine a country’s use and access to natural resources and talented people – Large populations and large land area do not always go together, for example, Russia and
THINK Sociology, Second Edition
John D. Carl
Source: The World Bank, “GNI per capita, Atlas method (current US$),” THINK Sociology, Second Edition
John D. Carl
• Income
– Per capita income is determined by dividing the total gross income of the country by the number of people in that country
– This assumes that money is evenly distributed, which it is of course not
– However, it provides rough comparisons of different countries
• Comparative Income
– In general the top countries are in Europe plus the U.S., and the poorest countries are in Africa
– The wealthiest citizens of the U.S. enjoy a greater share of income of the country than do their affluent counterparts in other rich countries
– Taxation is lowest in the U.S., however, it provide less of a welfare state
Measures of Stratification in
Underdeveloped Nations
• Underdeveloped nations are countries that are poor and may or may not be in the process of being industrialized
– The UN rates these countries on 3 criteria: low gross national income, low health and education, also factors like population and remoteness are considered
• Poverty and hunger still affect these countries THINK Sociology, Second Edition
John D. Carl
Poverty and Hunger
• Sub-Saharan Africa
– According to international stratification measures this is the most disadvantaged region of the world
– It has the highest rates of childhood death, hunger, and people living on less than one dollar a day
One of every 16 women in these poor countries dies during childbirth, compared to 1 2,800 in rich countries THINK Sociology, Second Edition
John D. Carl
Measures of Stratification in
Developed Nations
• Developed Nations
– Developed nations, like the U.S., have a welleducated population, regular elections, industry and free enterprise
– Countries such as Germany, Japan, Great
Britain, Canada, Denmark, France,
Switzerland and other developed countries share these characteristics
Lecture 1.1 UNIVERSITY OF NORTH TEXAS FALL 2014 SOCI 3330 SOCIAL STRATIFICATION Professor Milan Zafirovski An Introduction to the Study of Social Inequality MAIN CONCEPTS 1. Main questions in social stratification what is and why social inequality types of social inequality economic inequality--wealth and the rich in society political inequality--power and the powerful in society cultural inequality--prestige…
Social Stratification The structural-functional approach points to ways social stratification helps society operate. • The Davis-Moore thesis states that social stratification is universal because of its functional consequences. • In caste systems, people are rewarded for performing the duties of their position at birth. • In class systems, unequal rewards attract the ablest people to the most important jobs and encourage effort. The social-conflict approach claims that stratification divides…
gaps between North and South, haves and have-nots, whites and “others,” also persist. Pick any relevant sociological indicator—life expectancy, infant mortality, literacy, access to health care, income level—and apply it in virtually any setting, global, regional, or local, and the results will be the same: the worldwide correlation of wealth and well-being with white skin and European descent, and of poverty and immiseration with dark skin and “otherness.” Sure, there are exceptions: there are…
The Earth system consists of the geosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere, and can be regarded as a large-scale example of Le Chatelier's Principle where systemic perturbations are mitigated through complex feedbacks to eventually establish an amended equilibrium. The geosphere impacts the other spheres as it regulates uniformitarianism through volcanism, while also providing the physical interface between the lithosphere and organic subaerial constituents of the earth system in the form…
The INTRODUCTION is comprised of two paragraphs. Each contains specific information: Paragraph one introduces your reader to your subject and explains why your topic is sociologically relevant. Paragraph two explains the logic of your selection of references and explains any weaknesses of your research. The purpose of the AB is to to inform the reader of the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the sources cited. 1. Author's Qualifications--be brief! While this is an important part to include, it…
Chapters 13, 15, 16, 17, 18 Affirmative Action: A set of policies that grant preferential treatment to a number of particular subgroups within the population- typically, women and historically disadvantaged racial minorities Boy–Girl Achievement Gap: “girls catch up while boys from lower-class backgrounds lose ground.” It is not so much that girls are surpassing boys in educational achievement but they have started doing equally well at the same time that boys from lower class backgrounds have…
SOCIAL DIFFERENTIATION AND INEQUALITY ISS 215: Spring 2013 (Section 02) INSTRUCTOR FAYYAZ HUSSAIN 5-H Berkey Hall Office Hours Monday 12:30 - 1:30 P.M. Wednesday 12:30 – 1:30 P.M. Tel: 353-9964 E-mail: 1. OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE As you know, individuals around the globe…
fertile crescent 12. Discuss some changes that accompanied plant domestication. Plants change because people would choose the plants of the larger seeds. The grain and wheat products barely grew in the warming climate of southwest Asia 13. Which crops originated in… SE Asia-taro yams bananas SW Asia-wheat barely Mesoamerica- maize squash beans 14. How did diffusion affect world food production? Give an example of a hearth you were surprised to discover for a…
of conducting interviews is that this research method: Answer Selected Answer: may easily allow the researcher to influence subjects’ responses. Correct Answer: may easily allow the researcher to influence subjects’ responses. Question 13 2 out of 2 points What process involves deciding exactly what is to be measured when assigning value to a variable? Answer Selected Answer: operationalization Correct Answer: operationalization Question 14 0 out of 2 points E. Digby…