Mass Transit: Goal Key To Build The Nation

Submitted By Tammytran1807G
Words: 359
Pages: 2

Tammy Tran
Tammy Tran
Ms. Sharon Stranahan
ESL 263
Feb 02, 2015
WA#1 – Final Draft
Mass Transit – Goal Key to Build The Country Government should support mass transit because it is the one of important elements to build a strong national economy. First, mass transit helps nation to save more money. It uses less oil so government doesn’t depend on foreign oil, they can use nation’s oil. Second, government can earn more money from traveling services throughout use mass transit because today more and more Americans use mass transit such as buses, trains, subways, trolleys, etc. to travel or go somewhere they want. Thus, mass transit systems is built more and more in the world. For example, there are 1500 agencies provides bus services, 80 provides rail services, more 5000 provides paratransit services and 120 agencies provides other modes. Third, one economic development doesn’t allow high level of unemployment so mass transit supports and creates job for workers. For instance, every $1 billion of federal investment in nation’s transportation system creates more 47000 jobs. Jesse Jackson confirms that mass transit is the key to an efficient economy by the way that building fast trips, metros and bus lines. If government wants to build a strong economy, government should support mass transit systems. Another reason that government should support mass transit because it helps to protect environment. Mass transit uses less oil, reduces pollution and the gridlocked roads.