Judicial process in the U.S. is a balance between two objectives
To be fair and impartial
To operate efficiently
Judicial process is committed to the adversary system
Judicial Review
The process by which the courts examine governmental action for constitutionality
Jurisdiction is the power of the court to hear and decide a case
Types of jurisdiction
Subject matter jurisdiction (in rem jurisdiction)
Without subject matter jurisdiction, any action taken by the court has no legal effect
Personal jurisdiction over the parties (in personam jurisdiction)
Federal courts have limited subject matter jurisdiction
State courts have jurisdiction over all state matters
Concurrent jurisdiction exists when a case may go to either a state court or a federal court
Federal jurisdiction
Exclusive federal jurisdiction
Federal criminal prosecutions
Lawsuits against the United States
Cases from federal statutes
Concurrent federal jurisdiction
Federal question
Cases where federal courts do not have exclusive jurisdiction
Diversity of citizenship
Amount in controversy exceeds $75,000 (may not include attorney or court fees to get to the $75,000)
Case involves one of the following
When all parties of the lawsuit are from different states
When a foreign country brings an action against a citizen of the United States
When the case is between citizens of the United States and a foreign country
Federal court applies substantive state law in the state in which the trial takes place
Exclusive state jurisdiction
Cases not assigned to federal court, states have jurisdiction over all matters
Power of the court to bind the parties to the judgment of the court
Jurisdiction over parties accomplished in three ways
In personam jurisdiction
In rem jurisdiction
Attachment jurisdiction (quasi-in rem jurisdiction)
In personam jurisdiction (personal jurisdiction)
Court obtains jurisdiction over the defendant
By service of process—to deliver a summons
Long-arm statute, if defendant
Has committed a tort within the state
Owns property in state that is subject of the lawsuit
Entered into a contract in the state
Transacted business in state that is subject of the lawsuit
In rem jurisdiction (property jurisdiction)
Court has jurisdiction over property located within the state that is the subject of a lawsuit
Attachment jurisdiction (quasi-in rem jurisdiction)
Jurisdiction over property rather than over a person
Property is not the subject of the lawsuit
Property is located in the court’s jurisdiction
Defendant’s property is seized to obtain payment of a claim against the defendant that is unrelated to the property seized
The geographical area in which a lawsuit should be brought
Purpose of venue
Regulate the distribution of cases within a specific court system
Identify a convenient forum
Lawsuits need to be initiated in the county in which the property is located, incident took place, etc.
Federal courts set up by Article III of the U.S. Constitution
U.S. District Court
Trial court of the federal system
Every state has at least one district court
Number in state is based on population
Wisconsin has two
Eastern district based in Milwaukee
Western district based in Madison
U.S. Circuit Courts of Appeals
12 judicial circuits
11 are numbered
1 for the District of Columbia
1 for Appeals from the Federal Circuit
Function of court
Examine the record of a case on appeal
To determine whether trial court committed prejudicial error
Error substantially affecting the appellant’s rights and duties
Options available
to both systems. “Alternative Dispute Resolution ("ADR") refers to any means of settling disputes outside of the courtroom. ADR typically includes early neutral evaluation, negotiation, conciliation, mediation, and arbitration.” (Cornell University Law School, 2012) Non-Traditional Litigation System The nontraditional litigation is an alternative dispute resolution to the traditional litigation system. This type of resolution can save both parties a lot of…
Noneconomic strike over permissive bargaining items C. Not all strikes are legal in all situations. D. A key aspect of a strike is the picket line. E. All types of strikes have greater restrictions when conducted by government employees compared to private sector employees. 1. Strikes by federal government employees are illegal 2. Economic strikes by nonessential workers in some states are legal; but in most states all types of strikes are illegal II. Strike Replacements A. Court rulings, especially…
of thinking skills: Identification and articulation of relevant dispute resolution processes Fails to identify and/or articulate one or more dispute resolution process Identifies and articulates the relevant dispute resolution processes but misses several minor issues Identifies and articulates the relevant dispute resolution processes but may miss one or two minor issues Identifies and articulates the relevant dispute resolution processes Identifies and articulates all relevant issues Identification…
government and investors very complex. Further investment by a private capital in any foreign country is now important to maintain international economic relations which are a necessary parameter of growth. Capital in such case flows from place of higher returns and from economies which are more stable and prosperous like developed countries or financial centers to where there is scare capital or where there is a lack of capabilities of a private enterprise to make economic-legal situation of theirs profitable…
US Programming Company and Global Bank Dispute Both parties are subject to the CISG. The computer programming company is based in the U.S., made the CISG effective January 1st 1988. The US only filed an Article 95 declaration and in pursuant to the article, the United States will not be bound by subparagraph 1 (b) of article 1 of the CISG. Spain adopted the CISG and it became effective in August 1st 1991. Yes, the parties can make the CISG part of their contract.Under article 1, the parties…
PAUL CROUSHORE, SUPERVISING ATTORNEY FROM: JESSICA WIMBERLY, PARALEGAL SUBJECT: ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION PROCESS In analyzing the case facts for clients Debbie Evans and Aaron and Barb Conway, it has been determined that an Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) would not be a suitable strategy for the resolution and outcome of the case. Debbie Evans and already legally married couple Aaron and Barb Conway are seeking a marriage license to wed in…
the initiation of the legal dispute till the judgment of the case is usually very long. Statistics indicates that this dispute s take a significant time and do not take an hour or day, but normally takes years or some time decades. Adherence to legal procedures In the legal proceedings there are prescribed legal procedures, which has to be followed. Because of the intricacies in the legal dispute s business are limited to represent themselves in this legal dispute s and therefore have to hire…
Assignment 1A Amit Bhanot S12003170 Question Two ‘Equally, it is recognized that the formal and rather intimidating atmosphere of the ordinary courts is not necessarily the most appropriate one in which to decide such matters. Even where the dispute cannot be resolved internally. In recognition of this fact, various alternatives have been developed specifically to avoid the perceived shortcomings of the formal structure of law and court procedure.’ (English Legal System; Slapper & Kelly;…
your sewerage pipes. On the other hand you have often taken the fruit from your neighbour’s tree. At a Christmas gathering gone wrong, you both threaten to sue each other. In this dispute, using non-adjudicative processes by Mediation or by using adjudicative processes by litigation can solve the case as the dispute is between two neighbours. The following are the advantages and disadvantages of mediation (Goldberg, Green & Sander 1985) and litigation (Levin & Golash 1985). Advantages of…
Labor Relations Board, is an federal agency that was created by Congress to administer the National Labor Relations Act. This Act was put into place to govern the working relationships between unions and employees in what is known as the private sector. A private sector refers to organizations that are not run by the state. This Act protects employees from being discriminated against by the employer and the union. In other words, it guarantees the rights of employees to organize and bargain collectively…