H.S.C. General 2 Mathematics Course Exercises From 2014 Name:___________________ MOL = Maths On Line. Suggested Activities Bolded Chapter 3: Algebraic Skills and Techniques AM3 DATE 3 Page Questions A 70 B Done Check Outcomes:MG2H 3,9,10 MOL Topics 1cfil,2cfi,3cfil,4dhl 5cfil 3233 Simplifying Algebraic Expressions 72 1,2bdfhjl 4168 Algebraic Fractions C 73 1bdf,2bd,3bdf,4bdfh, 5bdf,6bdfh,7abc,8bdfhjl, 9bd 4139 Indices D 76 1bdfhjl, 2cfi,3cfi,4cf,5bd,6bdfh,7 bd, 8bdf, 9bd,10bdf, 11bdf 5252 5258 Equations E 81 1bd,3bd,4c,5b,7c,8b,10b, 11c,14,16,17abcd 5256 Practical Equations (formed by substitution) F 84 1cfil,2dhl,3cf,4dhlp,5cfi, 6dhl,7cf,8bdf,9dhlpqr,1 1ab 5284 5286 Changing the Subject G 89 1,3 None Simultaneous Equations from tables H 90 1ac,3abc,5abc 4223 Simultaneous Equations graphically I 92 1,2bdf,3c,4,5bce 4223 Substitution Method J 95 2,4,5b,6bd,7,8bd,9bd 10bd,11bd,12 bdfh 4222 4226 Elimination Method MOL Topics Chapter 5: Applications Of Trigonometry MM5 DATE Done Check Outcomes:MG2H 4,5,10 5 Page Questions A 150 1bc 2dhlp,3cfi, 4i,5cfilo,6cfilo,7bdfh, 5174 5182 5180 Writing the trig ratios from a triangle Finding angles and sides of right triangles using degrees & minutes B 156 2,4,6,8,9 5194 Angles of Elevation and Depression C 159 1cf, 2cd, 3bdf, 4dhi, 5bdfhjl,6bd, 8,10,12,14,16,19,21 5198 5340 5342 Bearings Compass Bearings 5196 D 168 1bdf,3 5332 Area Of A Triangle E 169 173 5322 5324 5326 5328 Sine Rule F 1cf,2cf,3cf,4bdfh,5b, 6bdf 1cfi,2cfi,3b,4bd,6b G 177 1ab,2abd,3,4,6,7,8,10 5344 Problems Involving Trigonometry H 181 1ab,2b,3ab,5a 5346 Radial Surveys (Protractors) Cosine Rule HSC General 2 Mathematics Contracts Page 1 of 6 Chapter 2: Applications Of Area & Volume MM4 DATE 2 Page Questions A 32 B Done Check Outcomes:MG2H 4,5,10 MOL Topics 1bd,2bd, 3bd,4bcdf, 5bdf, 6bdfh, 7,10 5310 5312 Area of circles sectors and composite circular figures. Note: Ellipses no longer required. 36 1cf,h,2cf,3b,4,5,7 5320 Simpson's rule - single application then two applications C 40 1bdf,2bdf, 3f,4cf,5cf,6e,7bc,8cfi, 9bdf, 11,13 5214 5216 Surface area D 46 1cf,2bd,3cf,4b,5abc 5314 Surface area of a cylinder E 48 1c,2c,3b,4 5318 Surface Area of a Sphere F 50 1cf,2bc,3cf 5204 5208 Volumes of Pyramids and Cones G 52 1bcd, 2abegilo,4,6 5212 Volumes of composite solids H 55 1bdjhi,3cfil,4cfil, 5abcd,8abcd 5126 Accuracy of measurements MOL Topics Chapter 1: Credit and Borrowing FM4 DATE Outcomes:MG2H 1,3,9,10 1 Page Questions Done Check A 2 1b,2bd,3bd,4ace,5ab,6bd ,7,8,9 5064 5052 flat rate loans, simple interest, total repayments B 6 1bd,2b,3bd,4b,5,7,8,10, 11,12 5382 credit cards C 12 1bd,2b,3bd,5,7bdf,8bd,9 a-h,11bd,12bd,14 5394 reducing balance loans D 19 1a-f,3a-e None comparing loans E 20 1bd,2bd,3b None comparing rates F 21 1bd,2bd,3,4 5062eg1 Future and present value Other 5384 Insurance Premiums HSC General 2 Mathematics Contracts Page 2 of 6 Chapter 8: Annuities and Loan Repayments FM5 DATE 8 Page Questions A 262 Done Check 3,4 Outcomes:MG2H 1,3,6,9,10 MOL Topics 5062eg2 Future value of an annuity using a compound interest table Compound Interest Using Formula 5068 B 263 1cfi,2,3,5bdf,6,8,9,10,12, 14 None Future value, using the future value of a $ table C 269 1ab,3ab 5062eg1 Present value of an annuity D 270