Bell highschool | Rocket Assignment | Mr. Waters Class TIJ1O2 | | Karine Habboub | 8/12/2010 |
Mr. Waters Class TIJ1O2 2012-Oct-03
Model Rocket Reflection
Karine Habboub
Successfully making a model rocket requires specific fulfillments. Some students found the tasks simple and the making of their rocket progressed faster than others. On the other hand some students found the load difficult, and the speed of their work was slower than others. But other students found some requirements hard, and others easy, therefore building their rocket at a normal speed. Working with the machines was one of the most useful experiences while making a rocket. This was very useful because most people have never used a band saw, or a sanding machine; it was a new experience for a lot of people, and may have helped them overcome some of their fears. I had a hard time while sanding my nose cone, making the air frame, and gluing the fins on my rocket, therefore, in the future I will need to work harder on things that consist of gluing and sanding. But, I found it easy to make and shape my fins, and to make my engine mount, so, I am confident that in the future I will not have much difficulty while using the band saw. If I were to remake my rocket, I would make my air frame a lot better, and with more care, and I would sand my nose cone to a more rounded point. Going through this was different than anything else I’ve done because, in most classes we learn with books, but this was hands on. Alternately, this may be because other classes may not have the tools, or the experience to work with their students in the ways a technology teacher can. I