Essay about Is it better to eat organically farmed food than intensively farmed produce?
Submitted By andyjoannou
Words: 1841
Pages: 8
Is it better to eat organically farmed food than intensively farmed produce?
I have chosen to write my case study on whether it is better to eat organically farmed food or intensively farmed food? I will be using a variety of research I have collected to write arguments for and against organically farmed food. I will be investigating this question using different sources to back up my arguments.
Organic farming: a form of agriculture that uses techniques such as crop rotation, using manure instead of fertilizers and pesticides, they also use more land and allow their animals to roam free. This differs from intensive farming because intensive farming uses fertilizers, pesticides and requires much less time and land.
Firstly, I will be writing three arguments for organically farmed produce to do so I will be using different sources from various articles; I will also be checking the reliability of these sources, for example, where they came from. I will also check the accuracy of these three sources by
Secondly, I will be writing three arguments against this and also checking the reliability and accuracy of these arguments.
The next thing I will be writing about is the scientific knowledge. This is needed to understand this question further. I will be including pictures and charts to explain how they support my arguments for and against. I will also say which were more trustworthy and reliable and which sources I should base my conclusion on.
Then I will write my comparison of sources
Finally, I will be making a conclusion on which side I agree with based on the information I would have gathered. I will also write about how the reliability of my information helped me decided if organically or intensive farming I better.
Chemistry coursework
Is organically farmed produce better than intensively farmed produce?
By Andrianna Joannou
1. Introduction
2. Arguments for organic farming
3. Arguments against organic farming
4. Scientific knowledge
5. Conclusion
Arguments for organically farmed produce:
My first argument will be about how organic farmers produce meat and why it is better. Firstly, organically farmed meat contains fewer toxins because the animals are fed chemical free foods and not injected with any hormones. Growth promoters, antibiotics and other additives are added to non-organic meat throughout the animal's life and also while the meat is prepared for selling and eating. Once the animal has been slaughtered, additives are usually added to improve the flavour, colour and texture of the meat; it is also used to make it stay fresh longer. Organic food producers are not allowed to use additives. A website I have found had quoted 1. “Research has shown additives may be harmful to human health, such as sulphur dioxide or artificial colourings. But as our organic meat is reared more naturally, the meat has its own natural flavour, texture and colour, and does not need any artificial enhancers”. I find the piece of evidence very reliable as it has backed up their evidence with research and compared it to organically farmed produce.
An article I found off the Internet has quoted that 2. “Regular meat has other additives in it such as nitrates which help to give the meat a nice colour. The problem is that we do not know the long term effects of consuming these chemicals so turning to organic meat is a safer alternative’”. This supports my argument as it shows that organically farmed produce is free from any harmful additives and that organic meat is the safer option. However I don’t find this information very reliable as it is written on, which is not a well known website and they haven’t backed up their statement with any evidence.
The second argument I will be making will be based on an article from the BBC website. It clearly states 3. “Organic food 'better' for heart”. This is a ten-year study comparing