Ratio Analysis is one of the techniques of financial analysis where ratios are used as a yardstick for evaluating the financial condition and performance of a firm. Analysis and interpretation of various accounting ratios gives a better understanding of financial condition and performance of firm. It provides data for intra-firm comparison. They also revel financially strong and weak such as overvalued and undervalued of firms. These ratios help to indicate a company’s efficiency in the past and likely performance in future. It should be noted that computing the ratios does not add any information in figures of profits and sales. Trend ratios involve a comparison of the ratios of a firm over a period, that is present ratios involve a comparison of the ratios of a firm. Trend ratios indicate the direction of change in the performance-
TITLE OF THE STUDY A Study of Ratio Analysis” at RSSKN in Timmapur.
Objectives of the Study: ➢ To study & analyze the short term solvency & liquidity position of the company. ➢ To evaluate the financial performance & operations with the help of financial ratios ➢ To know the impact of various assets & liabilities on financial performance of company. ➢ To know the liquidity, leverage, activity & profitability ratio of company