Essay about A Grain Of Goodness on a Beach of Evil
Submitted By hannahbanana974
Words: 753
Pages: 4
Hannah Leverenz
Ms. Foster
English 10 H
December 20, 2012 A Grain Of Goodness on a Beach of Evil
Humans must always be cautious towards absolute rulers who promise hope and deliverance for their people in return for complete obedience. Often, the people are let down by the so-called liberator, as they turn out to abuse their positions and rob the people of their humanity to ensure their positions. In “The Second Coming” W.B. Yates paints a perturbing scenario of the Second Coming to warn against false hope in a twisted “savior”. In his novel 1984, George Orwell urges his readers to be wary against leaders who obliterate human relationships and emotions in order to maintain absolute rule. In “The Second Coming”, Yeats portrays the lack of hope for humanity through imagery and allusion as the savior of the world turns out to be a corrupted, evil being. Using imagery, Yeats paints a frightening picture of the Second Coming by describing the deliverer as having a “lion body and the head of a man” (Yeats 14). Because humanity is so evil, the emancipator having the face of a man suggests that he himself is full of the wickedness and maliciousness so prevalent among humans. The few in the world who expect the savior to be a divine immortal are disappointed when he appears to be a normal human like the rest of them. Additionally, the redeemer being portrayed as a lion gives him power and strength, which he uses to perform evil deeds and further distort humanity. The “indignant desert birds” flying around him paint a picture of resentment and bitterness, also traits present in the sinister spirit of mortals (17). The speaker then goes on to allude to the Biblical belief that Jesus is coming again. Yeats does this to warn his readers regarding a foul “redeemer.” Although the Bible promises redemption and salvation for those who believe in Christ, Yeats describes this savior as a “rough beast” that is finally released and desires to corrupt those he claims to be saving (21). Instead of being a gentle, righteous divinity, he returns to pervert human nature even further. By depicting the savior in this manner, Yeats gives the clear warning that one who claims to rescue humanity often cannot be trusted and turns out to distort society even more. George Orwell warns his readers in 1984 of the dangers of trusting an oppressive ruler who claims to perfect society. Using irony, he proves that giving in to such a leader would have devastating effects. After being “shot” by the “lock-hoped-for bullet”, Winston is not physically dead, but his humanity is totally shattered (Orwell 297). Instead of detesting Big Brother, Winston describes him as a “rock” and appreciates the “healing change” he believes to have received (297). This is ironic because the change administered to him has stripped him of his human nature, leaving him