Essay on A Faith Once For All Notes

Submitted By colth9
Words: 2351
Pages: 10

An Introduction to Theology:

Connotations- the suggesting of a meaning by a word apart from the thing it explicitly names or describes
Prolegomena-prefatory remarks; specifically: a formal essay or critical discussion serving to introduce and interpret an extended work
Pragmatism-relating to matters of fact or practical affairs often to the exclusion of intellectual or artistic matters
Pervasive-existing in or spreading through every part of something
Expedient-suitable for achieving a particular end in a given
Systematize-to arrange in accord with a definite plan or scheme : order systematically
Dictum-a noteworthy statement
Egocentric-concerned with the individual rather than society
Ubiquity- presence everywhere or in many places especially simultaneously
Normative-conforming to or based on norms
A priori- relating to or derived by reasoning from self-evident propositions
A posteriori-relating to or derived by reasoning from observed facts — compare
Ecumenical-of, relating to, or representing the whole of a body of churches
Adages-a saying often in metaphorical form that embodies a common observation
Viable-capable of existence and development as an independent unit
Motif- a dominant idea or central theme
Relativism-a theory that knowledge is relative to the limited nature of the mind and the conditions of knowing
Apostasy-renunciation of a religious faith

Chapter Notes-
Theology: The act of studying, discoursing, or writing about God.-and everything else in relation to God, for the purpose of formulating a body of truth (pg 9).
Theology=true; Ethics=right (pg 10)
Pilate (What is truth?-nature of truth) false answer-the statement is true if it works. Answer-true is corresponds to reality (pg. 11)

Ontological – relating to or based upon being or existence
A priori – deductive
Cosmological – a theory that deals with describing the natural order of the universe
Temporal – inductive
Contingency – likely but not certain to happen
Teleological – exhibiting or relating to design or purpose especially in nature
Contrivance – having an unnatural or false appearance or quality nonorganic – the composition of parts or elements so as to form a whole
Miniaturization – to design or construct in small size
Irreducible – impossible to make less or similar
Phantom – something existing in appearance only
Methodology – a body of methods, rules, and postulates employed by a discipline
Antitheseis – the rhetorical contrast of ideas by means of parallel arrangements of words, clauses, or sentences
Chapter Notes –
To conceive God is to think His existence  The denial of God’s existing is self-defeating.
1. The universe exists 2. Nothing in the universe could cause the existence of the universe 3. Therefore, an uncaused cause, caused the universe
Craig does not distinguish between time and the temporal
There is nothing in the universe that could create the universe
The cosmological argument establishes there was something that created everything.
The teleological argument establishes that everything was specifically designed.
The historical argument establishes that “Yahweh” is the creator of everything.

Presumptuous – overstepping due bounds: taking liberties
Bibliology – a study of what the Bible teaches about itself
Revelation – an act or process is represented by many biblical terms
Permeate – to diffuse through penetrate something
Nullify – to make null, to make of no value or consequence
Theophany – a visible manifestation of a deity
Incarnation – the embodiment of a deity or Spirit in some earthy form
Inspiration – a divine influence or action on a person believed to qualify him or her to receive and communicate sacred revelation.
Disparagingly – to depreciate by indirect means
Espoused – to take up and support as a cause: become attached to
Attestation – to affirm to be true or genuine; authenticate by signing as a witness
Omniscience – infinite awareness, understanding, insight
Syllogism – a