Key Quote: “ Now, it is probable that the man of “progress” will point triumphantly to the pugilism of to-day, to the generally low and depraved characters of the men who engage in and encourage it, to the dishonesty and blackguardism which characterize most of it’s battles”. (Osborne, D)
Historical Context: Duffield Osborne brings great context and enlightenment to the great debate of what he and many others call A Defense of Pugilism.The word pugilism is said to derive from the the Latin pugil, a boxer, from pugnus, fist, and pugnare, to fight with the fist. In addition in 800 BC, Greece had began their own form of fighting called pugilism and pancratium, practiced by the nobility to demonstrate their physical fitness. It was a mixture of both wrestling and fist-fighting. Boxing was said to have originated in ancient Greece as an outlet for 'combat readiness'. Over the years to follow, boxing transformed from a method of training and military preparation to a invigorating spectacle viewed by millions on television cheering for blood and knockouts. The time line of boxing choreographs the change from combat preparation to unorganized bare knuckle fighting stated in The Manly Art, the organized spectacle that boxing has become today with winning purses in the millions. Boxers have become rich, powerful, and famous all through fighting. One can attribute the sport of boxing's everlasting popularity to societies constant struggle between man vs. man with the constant desire to lash out or seek victory and societies addiction to violence and spectacle.
Thesis: The document Defense of Pugilism prepared by Duffield Osborne simply states despite any other circumstantial opinions, he claims Pugilism is superior and amazing.
Pugilism is like any other sport even footbal that is looked upon as a brute activity.
The ancient Greek civilization, a society we heavily created our foundation upon had many derivatives of pugilism.
Critics state that Pugilism is cruel, the document counteracts that argument with bullfighting, where animals die.
The idea of inflicting pain is looked upon as manly, leaving pugilism to bring about a defined art of manliness.
Audience: Osborne has taken the role to convey a message through writings in The North American Review. Where he wants the public to understand the honor and nobility of Pugilism, and how it allows boys to born but developed to die as a man of barbarism. In addition the audience of opposers, supporters and spectators are meant to see that although critics heavily criticize how inhumane and cruel pugilism is, the defined sport is like any other that inflicts pain on any object for the sole benefit of brute entertainment like fox hunting, bull riding and football; all sports and activities like pugilism but without such nobility.
Thesis Assessment: Pugilism: a word that Osborne seems to eat, breath and live by. He is unable to present a valid unbiased argument because he is an individual who looks to pugilism as not having any negative effect on society. His centralized theme, orbits around the Honor, manliness, and skill that one endures through pugilism. He presents the argument that there are many other sports that inflict more pain and cruelty than pugilism. However he