Essay on Zombies: Fear and Original Writing Zombies

Submitted By LLO22
Words: 678
Pages: 3

Original Writing

I was almost there, almost at the top of the hill with the rest of my friends and my girlfriend. Ross’s deep voice suddenly broke the creepy silence that was among a group of friends, as they descended along a deep dark spooky forest.
As we reached a very tight and narrow path which was only room for one person to walk along, at to the end, a big and vicious dog was howling with its cold breath shimmering through the moons light.

As we all predicted Ross the big strong person who is the tallest and strongest was the first one to complain about how dark and scary this long and narrow path was. “You guys are you sure we are going the right way!” This is kind of scaring me out here!” stuttered Ross. Me being the dare devil of the group moved to the front of the file, “Stop you’re winging, you’ll get used to it” Johnathon was the oldest and most experienced out of the group of friends.
A sense of horror and fear seemed to haunt the group of friends as they hurried through the dark old spooky road. Suddenly there was a ROAR, in the distance glared a bright light. Annie Sam’s girlfriend shouts “Look over there!” At the end of the road was something or somebody just stood there in the distance? Jacob the most curious out of group to find out what was this weird figure just stood there. We all slowly edge closer and closer and as soon as we approached this being...Suddenly we discovered this thing turns out to be a human the whole group si with relief. When we got within extreme reaching distance of this human Johnathon; shouts “Don’t go near it!” James says “why not?” Johnathon then slowly points to the floor Fraser cautiously says “Get away its eating another human.” Johnathon being the clever one explains “Ive seen this type of behaviour before, In the CIA test labs, it looks to me like this human as been infected!” The group shouts “Infected?” Johnathon “yes this is a disease where the symptoms are that the subject’s; eyes turn red, they love the smell and taste of blood like a hungry lion, also they are afraid of sunlight.
The only way this disease can be passed on is by a single bite or through sexual contact-which passes the infection through into your blood stream.” The group where suddenly stunned with horror. Once again a bright light appeared-suddenly there was a ROAR. The group all look towards this bright ray of light-in the distance there stood over one