Zinn Chapter 10 Summary Essays

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Chapter 10 the other civil war Chapter 10 describes a behind the scenes war between the people of the United states that is not often mentioned or spoken about. The problems the nation had besides the actual Civil War. The Anti Rent movement and Dorr’s Rebellion
An incident sparked huge controversy in the Hudson River Valley , near Albany New York. It was the Anti Rent movement where tenants in New York decided to revolt against their patroon leaders which were landlords performing feudalism. The landlords were making laws and and doing what they pleases to the tenants and finally they became fed up and decided to take matters into their own hands. This shocked and caught landlords by surprise and had no Idea what to do. These

The outcome was not great and it came with many consequences.
The Jacksonian period as some call it created tension between the rich and the poor and just everyone was losing money and stress and tension just rose all over. It reached its climax in the crisis of 1837. This was the Flour Riot of 1837. During the crisis of that year, 50,000 persons (one-third of the working class) were without work in New York City alone, and 200,000 (of a population of 500,000) were living, as one observer put it, "in utter and hopeless distress." there was no complete record of every rebellion and parade but that was an impacting one. It was the end of the Second bank of the United States of America that created financial crisis and market correction, more importantly inflation. Banks even stopped taking regular currency and only accepted specie. The panic was followed by a five year depression and unemployment.
All over the USA wages were down and people were getting more anxious by the minute to raise them. In Newark, New Jersey, a rally of several thousand demanded the city give work to the unemployed. Immigrants were reaching an all time high and were feeling the effects worse than citizens they upraised. Even Women were pushed so far and their wages were to unbelievable they began movements They were the United Tailoresses of New York and protest to raise their wages. Of the country's work force of 6 million in 1850, half a million