Catherine Panczner
Mr. Raspa
Composition 1
14 November 2014
Hope in Courageous Adjustments In “Strapped,” Tamara Draut contends that sacrificing values in order to make a profit, a lack of opportunity, high student loans and easy to attain credit has programmed this generation to acquire debt early. This leads them to accept debt as a way of life as they are catapulted into a vicious cycle of repayment and survival; all while being criticized by the generation before them. Throughout the excerpt, Draut has proved her credibility, aroused the readers’ emotions and exhibited logic thus producing an effective essay.
At a national think tank, Demos Research, Draut holds the title Vice President of Policy and Research. On their website one can find a list of her expertise such as commentator for many credible news programs, co-author of reports published by Demos, and some of the magazines and newspapers where her publications can be found. Her knowledge excels in “credit and debt, the middle class, and young people” ( Another website, Shesource, praises her by claiming “Draut developed the organization’s [Demos] groundbreaking work on household indebtedness, middle class insecurity and the economic challenges facing young people” (
Two years after Draut’s book was published, the Subcommittee of Financial and Consumer Credit of the House Financial Services Committee held a hearing supporting Draut’s passionate topic and argument that was presented in her book – student and credit card debt. As the Committee website streamed the hearing live, Draut blogged and posted from
2:37 p.m. | Borrowing to Make Ends Meet Chris Lindstorm of US PIRG [Public Interest Research Group] points out that 55 percent responds to a US PIRG survey of college students reported using credit cards to cover day-to-day expenses. Twenty-four percent said they had used their cards to pay for college tuition. This echoes Demos research showing that one out of three households reported using credit cards in the last year to pay for basic [survival] expenses including, rent or mortgage, groceries, utilities or insurance. (
Draut stirs her readers’ emotions by revealing the deceptive and tenacious “profit mongering” tactics credit card companies use to target this generation (Draut 153). Most adolescents leave college with high student loans only to be wooed by credit card companies presenting themselves as an angel of light or a free gift, enticing them to sign up and extend their new independence. If tabling does not grab the overwhelmed new student, usually the college itself has agreed to exchange the student’s private information for a price. Benjamin Lawsky backs up Draut’s blog in stating “that the public will be “shocked” when the AG [Attorney General] reveals the results of his nationwide investigation into the highly lucrative and somewhat secret deals being struck between schools and credit card lenders to share students’ personal information for marketing purposes” (
US PIRG’s full report can be found on Student PIRG’s website with the appropriate title, “Campus Credit Card Trap.” Hope can be found as the results reveal how students are aware of the problems they face with being targeted on campus. The article sums up the report stating that “…four out of five (80%) students supported adoption of strong credit card marketing principles,” with 74% of those students stressing “that only cards with fair terms and conditions should be marketed on campus.” An awe-inspiring “67 % opposed the sale or sharing of student lists [address or phone numbers]...with credit card companies.” Contradicting this fresh hope, 76% of the students admitted that they were attracted to visit credit card tables to view offers or apply (Student
The generation of Baby Boomers, who became known for their luxurious spending which set them apart from their frugal Great Depression elders,
Mockingbird “Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear”- Mark Twain. In the book To Kill a Mockingbird a southern drama novel by Harper Lee, Scout the main character lives in Maycomb Alabama with her brother Jem and father Atticus, with a main conflict of Scout’s father,Atticus, having to defend a black man in court during a time period filled with racism. People in Maycomb, Alabama fall on hard times during the story and many people with courage arise. All of those…
Everyone has similar experience in the growth way. The movie “Stand By Me ” explained that four twelve years old boys wanted to find the body of a young man who has been hit by train so that they could be heroes. On this adventure, one of the boys, Gordie who experienced a loss of innocence by losing his brother, but he received confidence and courage from his friends. Gordie’s brother, Daniel, was an excellent football player. Daniel was parents’ pride, but a truck killed him four months ago. Since…
manifesting his anger by burning the landowners’ barns. While doing so, he traumatizes and tyrannizes his young son, Sarty, and pushes him toward manhood prematurely by continually putting Sarty in a position to choose between his father’s idea of justice and his own. Although this is a terrible position to be in for Sarty, his character shows a tremendous amount of loyalty, integrity, and courage. The conflict between Sarty and his father is so strong because Abner Snopes puts such an emphasis on being…
skin cancer are sunburn, tanning and solariums. Epidemiological evidence shows the main cause of skin cancer is people exposure to “ultraviolet radiation” in their childhood too much (Livingston et al, 2001, pg. 269). Nearly 80% of adolescents and young adults are aware of skin cancer prevention (Livingston et al, 2001, pg. 272). In addition, adolescents are identified to have the highest level of knowledge about skin cancer (Stanton et al, 2004, pg. 371). However, research shows there are a declined…
has shown these qualities starting from when she was very young. Ling was born during the time of China’s cultural revolutions ( Growing up, Ling’s father and mother both served as doctors in the Chinese army and the family highly supported communism. The heroism shown in Chai Ling’s acts begin early on in her young adult life, through to starting an amazing corporation to save lives, and continuing on in the courage of never seeing her family again. Ling’s adventures in heroism…
d) is seen to indentify empowerment within the youth work practise to be giving the power and courage to young people to be involved and have there say. Whereby giving young people the opportunity to be more engaged in activities by doing there best. Which then links in to participation, which is another concept or a ‘buzz word’ that is used within a community setting. Just…
Analytical Essay, By Ekta Singh (DRAFT) The novel Tomorrow, When the War Began, written by John Marsden and published in 1993, is a motivating book for young adults and explored the journey of a group of friends trying to save their town and family from the Asians that have invaded their hometowns. Throughout the novel the characters exhibit great courage when tested with facing the realities of invasion and the imprisonment of their families. John Marsden, the author of this captivating novel, intentionally…
even try.” really gets the mind thinking of a million possibilities. This Diesel advertisement shows a message to a person that being adventurous is something everyone should live by. “Be smart” is what our elders have been telling us since we were young. While Diesel, an international clothing company, takes “Be stupid” as their philosophy. Diesel shows that they want customers to take risks and enjoy life while wearing their clothing rather than the usual cliché of just a model looking good in a…
Juno is a film about a girl who is an independent-minded teenager who is confronted with an unplanned pregnancy by her classmate and friend Paulie Bleeker, followed by subsequent events that puts pressures of adult life onto her. At first Juno had planned on having an abortion, but after being confronted by a classmate at the clinic and learning the baby had already grown finger nails, Juno decides on giving the baby up for adoption. With the help of her best friend, Leah, she found a perfect couple…
small town in Alabama comes to life via the fanciful, inquisitive, and fair-minded perspective of a young girl named Scout Finch. As her vivid character matures, many changes unfold within the Finches community and family. Maycomb’s cowardice, courage, dignity, biased customs, and iniquitous legal proceedings are all disclosed to the reader through the veil of youthful curiosity and innocence. Courage, as related to the classic novel To Kill A Mockingbird, means fighting for what is honorable, even…