Yersina Pestis Essay

Submitted By Narutoiscool987
Words: 444
Pages: 2

Bubonic Plague 1.) The disease ‘bubonic plague’, was once known as the ‘black death’. It is a disease that once nearly took out an entire civilization, and it is still around today in some parts of the world, however, under more controlled circumstances. ‘Bubonic Plague’ is caused by the pathogen, Yersinia Pestis. This pathogen is a bacteria that is generally gram-negative and rod-shaped (bacillus). All eukaryotic cells are vulnerable to this dread bacterium, which is also responsible for pneumonic and septicemic plagues.

This disease, or more specially, the pathogen, attacks the immune system. Its method of destroying the immune system is to firstly attack the macrophages cells by injecting special protein which destroys the macrophage from the inside out. The bacteria quite literally ‘injects’ the protein, using a syringe-like characteristic. With the macrophage providing the basis for the immune system, the immune system is crushed as more and more macrophages are infected. The dead macrophage cells are then discarded by the body, via buboes, which are similar in appearance to blisters. The buboes are basically bubbles or little blisters on the tip of the skin, and they generally found near the genitals or armpits. This is how the bacteria known as Yersinia Pestis destroys the immune system and eventually, leads to your entire body failing.

2.) Y. Pestis is actually a rodent infection, which can target many eukaryotic cells in both, animals and humans. Although, this disease WAS more prone to rodents and was contained in one ecosystem. However, humans had ‘accidentally’ contracted this pathogen, leading to bubonic plague. This leads to the first method of transmission, the agent of transmission known as the rodent. Rats or Rodents, both internationally and nationally, were spreading this deadly pathogen amongst