Rotation- One earth day Revelation- The earth’s trip around the sun Winter solaces- most hours of darkness Summer solstices- longest day of sunlight Equinoxes- the two seasons between the solstices Relative Location- location in relation of another location Decade- 10 years Century-100 years Millumion- 1000 years Primerated split the east and west hemisphere Equator- Southern hem and Northern hemisphere Mr. Help Core Mantle Crust Crust 30 to 60 miles thick Mantle 1800 miles thick Core 3000 miles thick Together apart slides Trench- deep cut in the ocean floor Aquifer- underground water The water Cycle Weather- in change of climate over a short period of time Climate- weather pattern over a long period of time Westerlaies are located under the Jet stream El Niño is when the westrailes die down, warm pacific water flow to south America and flooding. Rain shadow effect- when warm moist air hit mountains and goes up and condense then precipitates. Sun enters the atmoshepes reflect earth suface are trap by pollutation Contarinal self- drop part on the land in the ocen Famine- lack of food Death Rates- average death per 1000 Birth Rate- average birth per 1000 Population Destiny- Emigrant- exit another country Immigrate- enter other country Refugffee- war probity or persecution Culture- the way of to a similar group of people Ethic Group- group of people with similar belfry Democracy- powers is held by the people and have the power to vote Dictorship- I person controls the country Command economy- the government controls the country Market economy- driven by completion Intdenpence- country lies one other are produced. Push factor- in search of jobs Conduces-by area united by common boundary Cordillera- two pair of parrell mountain changes Lock rained lock- you pull in one lock and the doors close the water level rises Colonies-