According to my life experience, the most precious and the most memorable event that happen to me is having the pleasure of growing up in Egypt. At the age of 9, my family and I fled from our country where it wasn’t safe anymore to live or to predict a future. I was quite angry about the departure at first because I had friends who flew away and never returned back. I was trapped with the thought of leaving and not being able to come back. I had relatives, friends whom I grow up with, things I adored and loved much, and I hated the fact of knowing I wasn’t able to return back.
We arrived in Egypt in middle of 2002. It was during summer and it was hotter than Somalia or at least I felt that way. We were very exhausted and pretty beat up from the trip but I remember as soon we landed on the Cairo airport, all that tiredness went away. I started running around the airport as I was amazed with everything and I happen to be more amazed and shocked as we stepped outside.
Is been a few weeks without school as we were told I couldn’t enroll for some reason. I stood on our house balcony where I watched the kids play across the street every day. I tried to pick a few words of what they were speaking but I gained nothing accept the confusion and the misperception that always involves hearing a new languages. Finally I was able to attend school and commonly kids happen to be kind of happy about attending school but I was totally the opposite. I was so