Instrumental Analysis, 6th Edition by Skoog, Holler, and Nieman Grading: 4 lab reports and one revision, 100 pts each, 36 % 5 literature assignments, 50 pts each, 19 % 5 HW assignments, 100 pts, 15 % Participation (attendance/group and class discussions), 150 pts, 11 % Mid term Exam, 100 pts, 8 % Final Exam, 100 pts, 8 % Grading Scale: Total points 1110-1200 1050-1109 1020-1049 980-1019 940-979 915-939 Grade A (92.5) A- (87.5) B+ (85.0) B (81.7) B- (78.3) C+ (76.3) No late…
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