Write Up On Baby P Abuse Case For NVQ Course 2014 Essay
Submitted By sandy6203
Words: 545
Pages: 3
The case of baby P .
Peter Connelly was a 17 month old little boy whose life was full of physical abuse from his mother and her then boyfriend . Peter died from over 50 injuries to his broken body and everyone he came in contact with who should have been there to protect him let him down by not protecting him from the horrors he encountered even though he had been seen sixty times in the eight months leading up to his death .
Why did no one notice the bruises to his face ? because his mother cleverly smeared chocolate so marks and bruises could not be seen .
Why did no one notice his little broken bones ? because no one bothered to pick him up out of his highchair to physically hold and touch him .
Tracey Connelly , his mother was abused as a child herself so the warning signs were there , Peter was already on the at risk register but still no one did anything there was no sense of urgency at all .
Perhaps the social services were intimidated by the mother and her partner or was it lack of training , lack of compassion or just not doing their job correctly no one will ever probably know . Certain people got sacked from their jobs but it did not answer the question as to how did this terrible thing happen and go unreported .
Over the months following the case it seems that everyone from the social workers , doctors , police even Peters own grandmother were all to blame in one way or another and was laying the blame at someone else’s door . Why did the doctors and social services who were also to blame for Peter’s death not taken to court and held accountable and sentenced like his mother ?The public outcry was so strong that Peters grandmother did not go to the grave for fear of the public attacking her .
At the time Tim Laughton , the child minister for Haringey council , spoke of learning lessons , finding closure and moving on which to a degree I agree with but