ADM3313 Fall 2014 – Case study assignments
Case 3: To be submitted during class on either Friday 21st November (Section A) or Thursday 20th of November (Section C).
Case study critiques are expected to be between 2-3 pages in length (single spaced, size 12 Times New Roman). Critiques may be guided by the questions listed below, but need not directly answer them in sequence (e.g. if you feel that more than one issue is answered by a response). Critiques should avoid repeating material in the case – we have read the case already! Rather, you should aim to offer the reader (and grader) some new insight.
Wristop Technologies
1. What is the company’s innovation? What was its source?
Three previous Suunto employees founded Wristop, because they felt that they were missing an opportunity to manufacture wrist computers for Suunto’s competitors. This was the initial source of their innovation. They wanted to make watches have more of a specific purpose, than just regular computer watches.
The innovation started when they decided they wanted to find a match between wrist computers and various end-users needs. They investigated several industries, such as the automotive industry and the military industry, before deciding to stick with the medical industry.
When they decided to focus on the medical industry, the founders screened several products. They did market research by hosting brainstorming sessions with doctors, and conducting surveys among patients. After conducting the market research, Wristop decided to enter the medical device market of assisting those with diabetes.
They used the “Open Innovation Approach” as part of their R&D strategy to help them develop what types of monitoring technologies were most important to have in their products to assist those with diabetes.
2. What benefits does it offer customers?
The main goal of the product is to