Contrast is to set in opposition in order to show or emphasize differences.
It is used to show to distinct differences by using them in opposition to each other.
In this display contrast has been applied by the contrast of colors I have used in my holiday cruise newsletter entitled “Oceanasis Cruises” is to present the viewer with a clear format of writing that can be easily displayed and read, I did this by choosing black as the color of my text and a light blue with a shade of white in order to make the words standout to the reader without straining the eyes. I used a drop capital to begin the main part of my text in order for the reader to gather a clear understanding of where to begin. Larger and smaller fonts have been used to highlight important headings and titles throughout the publication.
Repetition is the act of repeating; reiteration.
It is used to keep the publication neat and not stray from the basis of the design process used to create a flowing document.
In this display I have used repetition throughout the newsletter with the same soft vibrant colors on the front page and on the back to make it seem whole. I’ve used the same color of font throughout the text as to not confuse the reader, I have also used relaxing exotic imagery throughout my design as to make the reader more enticed to travel with us. I have used the same image at the bottom of the page on both my front and back pages to bring them together. I also used repetition by having the text boxes equally spaced for easy reading, the font has been the same throughout the text to create a formal look for the document.
Alignment is when used to describe text, the arrangement of text or graphics relative to a margin. It is used to show formality and neatness within the
In this display alignment has been used by aligning the ends of my heading “Oceanasis Crises” with that of the text and the pictures. I have also used
World War 1 World War 1 began on June 28, 1914, a month after Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the heir to Austria- Hungary’s throne, was assassinated by a Serbian nationalist. Before going to war with Serbia, Austria- Hungary made sure they had Germany to back them up. This gave Serbia time to get back up from Russia, with whom they had a treaty. But this was not the end; Russia had treaties with France and Britain, so by the time Austria- Hungary declared war, the whole Europe was already entangled in…
Rubino Trench Warfare Thursday, July 11, 2013 1. Conditions in the trenches during WW1 were horrendous.The trenches were literally dug into the earth to provide shelter when the fighting wasn't too intense. Other than that there was little shelter. In summer the trench would be exposed to the hot…
centercenter WOrld war 1 Abstract There were wars before this and there were many and will continue to be many wars after, but this would be the one that all other wars would be based on. A war like no other before it a war of the world. The First World War. Lutz, Kimberly HIST 3346.781 U.S. 1877-1929 Coming of Age9410077300 WOrld war 1 Abstract There were wars before this and there were many and will continue to be many wars after, but this would be the one that all other wars would be based…
Joe Buck 2. Did World War I substantially alter American society and culture (ethnic, class, gender, and race relations)? Prior to World War 1, America was experiencing the reform period, and was full of unrest. Women were looking for equal rights, the middle class was trying to grow and the country was working hard to become a melting pot of cultures and races. America’s entry and involvement in World War I propelled the country forward and accomplished independence for women and growth of…
roles in the conflict as well. World War I was one of the worst things to happen in history. The total number of casualties in World War I, both military and civilian, was about 37 million: 16 million deaths and 21 wounded. One reason for the war starting could be the increase of money spent on weapons. France, Germany, and Russia were the 3 biggest spenders. They were also 3 very large contributors of the war. Great Britain already had the largest navy in the war so they didn’t need to spend any…
World War I Extreme nationalism and rivalry may have been major factors that started World War I, but the enemies they Germany main force By far the highest quality military in the world In the end they fall they pick a fight with too many people and get overwhelmed- too many enemies enemies- are able to exhaust Germany and then defeat them on the battle field against great odds- Germany is still able to hold on for many years Schlieffan plan- developed by the Germans (look at notes) what…
World War 1 By Bobby-Jo Parker Was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo the major cause of World War I? The writer believes and acknowledges the importance of this significant event, however would argue that the complex inter-relationship between National, Militarism, Leadership, Imperial rivalry, Colonialism and Alliances was the major cause of World War I. The simmering tensions between the five major powers was already accruing between these nations before 1914. The writer…
World War I The United States originally had a policy of isolationism, avoiding conflict while trying to find peace. This resulted in increased tensions with Berlin and London. When a German U-boat sank the British liner Lusitania in 1915, with 128 Americans aboard, U.S. President Woodrow Wilson vowed, "America was too proud to fight" and demanded an end to attacks on passenger ships. Germany complied. Wilson unsuccessfully tried to mediate a settlement. He repeatedly warned the U.S. would not…
Andrea Lints 5/20/12 U.S. History WWI DBQ The First World War was a war that would change the United States and Europe forever. The world war would put the United States’ neutrality policy in question as well as display some advancements of war combat. World war one also brought out some troubling qualities that a country can have. Nationalism is a love for one’s country to the extreme. Nationalism is what lead Germany to be able to control so many nations in the western hemisphere. Nationalism…
military plans, Alliance system, Imperialism, Mass Politics, Intellectual Context, and Nationalism. These were the MAJOR leading causes of WW1 and its destruction. All sides used militarism and used there militaries to attack there enemies causing war to happen. The Alliance system was when the leaders wanted to make treaties…