World Religions Report "Buddhism" Axia University of University of Phoenix HUM 130 Religions of the World Deborah George Stephanie Kyler August 18, 2007
World Religions Report "Buddhism"
How can we begin to understand such a diverse and ancient religion? The width of Buddhism is immense. It is a religion without any written rules. Buddhism is based on self-discovery. Buddhists are born with the quest to find their true form. They believe that they are prisoners of the physical plain until they reach nirvana. Nirvana is the ultimate goal for a Buddhist (Buddhism, 2007). It is the state that saves them from all suffering and evil. They believe that only nirvana can remove them from the never-ending circle of life. Buddhists I found it difficult to keep a decent posture and my mind wondered because of my body's pain. The talk was all about how being nobody is what we should aspire to. What she really meant was that we should not limit our thinking because of our preconceptions. We learn everyday that there is only so much of our own lives we can control. Buddhism would prescribe individuals to let go of the struggle for control of ones life. If one sits back and contemplates his nature and the nature of his actions he can then understand their roots and decide if they are virtuous or self destructive. When we think of ourselves in past or future terms than we can never truly enjoy the moments we do live in. These were the main points at which I believe the speaker was trying to convey in her talk. The language she used was a little vague as were her examples. I would have liked the talk to be more organized and driven rather than delivered in such a scatter brain way. None the less I did learn, from observing the people around me, there are no typical Buddhist. They come in all colors, ages, shapes, temperaments, and sizes. Often times when examining an outside or unknown religion or people we tend to make broad generalizations. I enjoyed my visit to the Center, even if the talk seemed a bit jumbled and hard to understand. The good nature of the Center was evident. As a requirement for writing this paper, I had to do and interview. As it turns out one of my close childhood friends,
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