Effective Counseling
Shelita Williams
Liberty University
The writer will define the word counselor’s and will discuss the characteristics that are associated with the counseling profession. Issues that relate to one being an effective counselor will be discussed and how it relates to the ethical issues presented will also be reviewed. Present issues of concern that result in questions that are continuously arising within the counseling profession and what are the responsibilities of the counselor will be addressed. As well as strategies that has been put in place to help avoid ineffectiveness within the counseling profession. This research paper will also identify the code of ethics that are used as great importance for counselors to be successful in the workplace. Finally, the writer will describe what it takes to be an effective counselor and guidelines that are put in place to adhere in order for the counselor to be successful. In conclusion, the writer will summarize an effective counselor.
Introduction According to Neukrug (2014), counseling is defined as a difficult concept without true explanation. The public has lacked clarity of properly labeling counselors as they are viewed as being mental health professionals that consist of psychologist, social workers and or human services workers. Neukrug (2014), also share a broad perspective of identifying characteristics that are important to one being an effective counselor (p.33). The identified characteristics are as followed: empathy, acceptance, genuineness, wellness, cultural competence, the “it-factor”, compatibility with and belief in theory, competence and cognitive complexity. Neukrug (2014), believes that these working alliances are positive results of the counselors outcomes of the usage of his or her own abilities when using theoretical approaches (p.34). According to Remley and Herlihy (2014), there are various safeguards presented with the welling being of the client’s welfare (p.81). Remley and Herlihy says it’s the responsibility of the counselor to honor diversity, be aware of one’s own needs and values, avoid dependent relationships, respect the rights of involuntary clients, usage of appropriate counseling techniques, managing interruptions of counseling relationships, terminating services in an appropriate manner and avoiding abandonment of his or her client (p.81). Campbell and Christopher (2013), contends that being an effective counselor one must be able to bring forth themselves whole-heartedly to counseling session to have encounters with clients on multiple levels such as; physically, emotionally, cognitively and spiritually in order to be successful (p.213). Sanders (2013), says the codes of ethics are underlying philosophical base that determines what constitute ethical behaviors within the counseling profession (p.11). Sanders (2013) further identify moral foundations of the mental health code that consist of: autonomy, nonmaleficence, beneficence, justice and fidelity (p.12).
According to Neukrug (2014) defining counseling has been a hard concept with one being able to define. Neukrug (2014) suggests that the word counseling amongst some have been thought to be defined as “here and now, short-term, change, problem solving, being heard and awareness” (p.3). Over the years the thought of counseling have changed and is believed to be anything from problem solving to a rational approach of helping people from a psychotherapy approach to a less intensified approach of psychotherapy (p.3-4). However, in 2010 a committee came together and formed a definition embracing a wide view of defining counseling as follows:
Counseling is professional relationships that empowers diverse individuals, families, and groups by accomplish mental health, wellness, education and career goals (Neukrug, 2014).
Neukrug (2014) further defines counseling as confusion that arose of one being able to