Explained how to determine the base rate of successful employees.
Explained how old and new selection criteria predict performance.
Dynamic Criteria
Levels of job performance can change over time. Job performance is not stable or consistent over time, and this dynamic quality adds to the complexity of making personnel decisions. Selection decisions are based on predicted job performance, but if this job performance changes over time, how can you make appropriate selection decisions? There is no easy answer to this issue, but it is important that managers realize that employee job performance is not a constant, that it is constantly changing, and that we may need to reevaluate job performance over time.
Other Types of Criteria for Measurement
Job performance can be assessed using objective and subjective criteria. Objective criteria are clear-cut — they usually consist of counting certain incidences. Subjective criteria require judgments made by others.
Take a moment to think about criteria used to evaluate your academic performance. How do you get assigned to a letter grade? Is it completely objective, or does a faculty member use judgment to determine your grade? Let's discuss objective and subjective criteria, and then we can see how they might both impact evaluations of performance.
Now let's learn about the difference between objective and subjective performance criteria.
Objective Job Performance Criteria
Objective data does not require judgment from supervisors. Usually, it involves counting the incidences of a behavior. Objective data used to evaluate job performance must be appropriate, stable, and practical. Some examples of objective criteria are:
Production: For manufacturing jobs, this might include the number of pieces assembled. Sales: How many sales dollars have been generated? Tenure or Turnover: This might be assessed by calculating the average length of employment at a firm, or the percentage of employees who leave the organization within a certain time period. This is probably the most frequently used nonperformance criterion in psychological literature. Absenteeism: How many days is an employee absent per year? This can also be examined at the organizational level — how many absences occur within the organization or department? Accidents: This has a number of limitations. First, it is primarily used for blue-collar jobs. Second, accidents can be difficult to predict. Third, measuring accidents may be difficult, since they may be measured in so many different ways such as number per hours worked, per miles driven, per trips taken. Theft: Theft is just one aspect of a larger complex issue. It is an indicator of unreliability and infers other possible problems such as: absenteeism, abuse of substances, constant complaining, insubordination, and temper flare-ups, to itemize a few.
Subjective Job Performance Criteria
Supervisor ratings are by far the most frequently used judgmental criteria; however, ratings may also be supplied by peers, subordinates, and workers themselves. Subjective ratings are useful when trying to assess criteria such as originality, creativity, interpersonal skills, overall effectiveness, overall quality of work, and practical judgment.
After a job is analyzed and evaluated, the organization is then ready to fill the position by hiring someone. Therefore, the next topic that you are going to learn about is how organizations make employee selection decisions.
Detailed steps taken to demonstrate how old and new selection criteria predicted performance.
Justified when concurrent validity should be studied.
A test of concurrent validity compares test scores and job performance measured at the same time. To assess the concurrent validity of the selection measure, you’ll administer the test, and evaluate performance at around the same time.
Demonstrated understanding of how selection criteria can be used to avoid