Because we had an unexpected problem obtaining responses from several businesses we have had to modify some of the groups. To help you succeed in your projects we are
1. Assigning TAs to help with your projects
2. Providing preliminary evaluations of all reports completed by Thanksgiving vacation.
3. Extending the project deadline by five days so that you can revise your reports as needed.
Please read the following carefully. While the final project deadline is extended to December 5th, we are giving you several reference dates before that deadline to guide you to successfully completing your projects. It is our hope that all groups will be able to receive B+ to A+ grades on their final templates and report.
Things for you to do.
Things that we will do.
Before 10pm Sunday, November 9
Study the company that your group is assigned. If it is a company newly assigned to your group, then use the product selection template to begin drafting a strategy to learn about the company and its product.
Identify one person who will be responsible for contacting the business and setting up a Skype or an in-person meeting. (Note, you can use many of the conference rooms in the Pappajohn building to have a group skype conversation with a business.) Do not contact the company until you receive the introductory email template from us.
Identify which group members will be in the various subgroups (product assessment, marketing assessment, executive summary-final report).
One subgroup will focus on developing questions to ask the company at your meeting and completing the final product selection template on the wiki server. (A sample is located at the end of this document.)
One subgroup will focus on completing the marketing assessment template on the wiki server.(A sample is located at the end of this document. Be sure to have some groups members familiar with China in this subgroup.)
One subgroup will focus on completing the executive summary on the wiki server and five-page final report which will be turned into dropbox on icon. (A sample executive summary template is located at the end of this document.)
Before Wednesday night, November 5th, we will provide a template of an introductory email and the contact information for your company.
Before Thursday night, November 6th we will provide a wiki page for you to communicate with each other and that will have links to all the templates you will need to complete.
We will assign a specific TA to your group. The TA is responsible for helping to keep your group project on schedule, providing advice to improve your report, and answering any questions you may have. You can contact your TA using the email and including your group number in the subject heading. It is our hope that all groups will be able to receive B+ to A+ grades on their final templates and report. Your TAs are there to help you accomplish this.
Before 5pm on November 10
Send to your business the introductory email that we provided for you. Do not contact the company until you receive the email template.
Before November 14th
The product assessment group should draft possible questions for your company. We recommend that you email your list of questions to the TAs who can review and provide suggested improvements. You should also follow-up with your business to set up a meeting schedule.
The marketing assessment group should be working on the marketing assessment template.
TAs will be available to review your questions for the businesses and provide suggested improvements. Take advantage of this.
Email your TA if you are having problems contacting your business.
Before Wednesday November 19
The product selection group should have met with the business.
Before Friday 5pm, November 21
Complete a “final draft” of the product selection template on the wiki server and a “final draft” of the “marketing assessment” template on the wiki server.
We will review