Why Is Project Management Important To Achieve Success

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Pages: 4

The importance of techniques in achieving project objectives was stressed by the majority of literature on project management (for example, Kerzner, Duncan and Gorsha). They stress how successful implementation of techniques contributes to a successful project. (Avots, Duncan and Gorsha) both claim that project management is an important part in project success. (Avots) in studying the reasons for project management failure, argued that by paying careful attention to the project management factors which caused failure could be avoided failure. (Duncan and Gorsha) recognized three problem areas which indicate the success of a project. These are under-costing, overspending and late delivery. It is suggested that project planning is needed to overcome these problems. The different tools available to a project manager to achieve success had discussed by (Lackman). These include work breakdown structures, client information sheets and project plans, among others. As the most important factor in achieving success, the early developments of strategies, philosophies and methodologies of project implementation have been stressed by (Kumar). It is possible to tailor strategies and methodologies which are specific to a certain situation by gathering sufficient site information and being aware of project considerations and constraints. Such well-defined strategies will assist in providing a agreeable and successful implementation of a project.
On occasion, we examine a hybrid category that acts as a bridge between CSFs and success criteria. It is important to simplify these two concepts, because it is not unusual to come across a discussion that blurs the difference between them or even takes them for synonyms (Lim & Mohamed,