My name is Ernesto Adrian Castillo, I am a student athlete at sharyland high school currently enrolled in the clinical rotation program. I am enrolled in extra curricular activities such as football and HOSA. My goal is to pursue a healthcare career; and the med Ed program will help me achieve that goal. Med Ed will allow me to gain a plethora of experience and a insight of what it means to be a health care professional. Their is a health care issue for practically everything but, the new generations are that a lack of information when it comes to the these issues. We have technology everywhere and yet people don't know much about what is going with their communities health. With "Ebola" hitting Texas people were in panic without knowing the severity or any information about this disease. Looking in social media people people don't know a lot about disease and most probably never will expand their knowledge about these disease. The problem of lacking information is coming mainly from the newer generations, seeing as the don't watch the news on TV or actually looking it up specifically on certain websites. As their maybe be a more risk of publicly panic, but people deserve to know what diseases or what health issues are out around the world. Lacking information about some of these disease is mainly the people's fault, for not looking for that information. But for some people who do look for the information and want to be knowledgeable are at a
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of the year 2016, I hope to gain entrance to this program so I can achieve my career set goals and get a career where I may be able to help people. Since I was a child, I have dreamed of helping people into their welfare and health. Admission to Med ED Program would be a great advantage in achieving my goals, it would be a great help in fulfilling my dream of becoming a Neurosurgeon or Physician. World Health Organization (WHO) is known to help around the world for their medical issues known…
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