Whitewashing of Avatars: the last airbender Essay

Submitted By Trevor-Stoddart
Words: 3131
Pages: 13

Teo tdat rvrSodr PoesrKn n rfso etOo
CM 60AinAeia ei n im
OM35 sa mrcnMdaadFl
1 oebr21
9Nvme 03
Aaa fIjsie vtro nutc:
TeWieahn fTeLs ibne h htwsigo h atAredr
Fl dpain fpplrmdaihrnl rn ih imaattoso oua ei neetybigwt te ra xettosadee rae ead rmis hmgetepcain n vngetrdmnsfo t floes M ih haaa ietdTeLs ibne, olwr. .NgtSymlndrce h atAredr temveaatto ftecide’ eeiinsre rm h oi dpaino h hlrnstlvso eisfo
Nceoen Tecronsre,Aaa:TeLs ibne, ikldo. h ato eis vtr h atAredr bitu usata utfloigfo unn he ul pasbtnilcl olwn rmrnigtre scesu esn;temveatmt oardetefrt ucsflsaos h oi tepst big h is sao noannt iuelv cinmve TeLs esnit ieymnt ieato oi. h at
Aredrwsafnnilsces u a agl osdrd ibne a iaca ucs,btwslreycniee afiueb rtc n aso h eeiinsre. alr yciisadfn ftetlvso eis
Cnrvryhssrone h im atn hie,wih otoes a uruddteflscsigcocs hc dpc ht cosa h eosfgtn o iepwrd eitwieatr stehre ihigfradsmoee
Ainnto gis te sa ilis Atrrveig sa ainaantohrAinvlan. fe eiwn
TeLs ibne,Ihv on hthvn ietro h atAredr aefudta aigadrco f
Aindsetdentma h imwl vi ail sa ecn os’ entefl ilaodrca tpcsigadcnsilfl noHlyodpatcso yeatn n a tl alit olwo rcie f

pneigt ht uine adrn oawieadec.
Sneti oi safnaymvesti ats ic hsmvei ats oi e nafnay
Ainln,teei rjcino retls vrwee sa ad hr sapoeto foinaimeeyhr.
W eie retls ncast eteprrylo bet edfndoinaimi ls ob h otaa fojcs o epet ewa scniee uhnial sa. h rpol ob hti osdrdatetclyAin Te
Ls ibne sfl foinaim ti rigt atAredri ulo retls;i styn o cnic tsvee hti si nAinlnsae Al ovnei’ iwrta ti na sa adcp. l teCieecaatr eno as h r tls n h h hns hrcesse nmp,teatsye,adte bidn tlsaeoina. hsi ob xetdfo uligsye r retl Ti st eepce rma fl nti er,hwvri tl ulso h urn imi hsgne oee tsilbid ntecret seetp fatidwrdAi. rmorcasraigfo troyeo hr ol sa Fo u ls edn rm
Sur al elandta ahpro a hi w tatHl,w ere htec esnhsteron cneta a hteeyeprec dsot Hl,19) ocpulmpta vr xeinead no(al 97.
Wt iie xouet h ocp fwa sai,ti ihlmtdepsr otecneto htAi s hs mvehsteiavretefc frifrigteseetp oi a h ndetn feto enocn h troye o ats hr ol sa ihmn iln epewo fafnaytidwrdAi,wt ayvoetpol h alsuyadpatc ata rs l td n rciemrilat.
TeLs ibne el h tr fteitrcin f h atAredrtlstesoyo h neatoso fu ifrn epe:teErhNto,teFr ain h ordfeetpols h at ain h ieNto,te
WtrTie,adteArNmd. h utrsadcohn ae rbs n h i oas Teclue n ltig dpce nTeLs ibne r eie rmclue rm eitdi h atAredraedrvdfo utrsfo orwrd h raoso h eeiinsre wne o u ol,tecetr ftetlvso eis“atdt

bs Aaa)o sa utr n ugf n atr ae(vtr nAinclueadkn­uadEsen rlgo n huh”(rc,20) Dsieteovos eiinadtogt Pie 06. ept h biu cnetost sa n aieaeia utrs h edn oncin oainadntv mrcnclue,telaig cs fhre r l ht. hl hsi o yia ato eosaealwie Wieti snttpcl ylofc,wihw eie ncasa h s fmk­po elwae hc edfndi ls steueo aeu n a co ln ihtesseso fdseifo h iwr natraogwt h upnino ible ftevee t eciea co satetclyain tsilrqie oprev natra uhnial sa,i tl eurs tevee ossedhsdseifo h co ob bet h iwrt upn i ible fteatrt eal o fl h oewihsol biul efle ya sa ilterl hc hudovosyb ildb nAin
Aeia co. mrcnatr TeMdaAto ewr o sa mrcn etofrd h ei cinNtokfrAinAeiaskp fee tergiac n upr o h oi,adee osle hi udneadspotfrtemve n vncnutd wt h eeiinsre,Aaa:TeLs ibne. na ihtetlvso eis vtr h atAredr I lte otepoue fTeLs ibne,frswte etrt h rdcro h atAredr oea h ipiain fwieahn h at GyAk rts mlctoso htwsigtecs. u oiwie:
Cmae oohrsos nldn ayaie oprdt te hw,icuigmn nm iprs vtr h atAredrwsuiu mot,Aaa:TeLs ibne a nqe bcuei a rae o nAeia uine eas twscetdfra mrcnadec ytue sa ae o t ancaatr.W e sdAinfcsfrismi hrces e apeitdta h ikldo eis(ih prcae htteNceoensre wt tehl fAinAeia oslat)ws h epo sa mrcncnutns a itlieteog oaoduigmn fte nelgn nuht vi sn ayo h

cmo sa troye—ohpstv n omnAinseetpsbt oiiead ngtv­otnse ntemda n hti eaie­fe eni h ei,adta t ee aesrdsi atn sa mrcn vnmd tie ncsigAinAeia vietln. oc aet
TeAinAeia omnt,adte h sa mrcncmuiy n h mvegigpbi tlre sue osen oi­on ulca ag,i sdt