“Finding Fossils”
What is a fossil?
The question I keep hearing around school is what is a fossil? The only I hear this is because nobody has the exact definition without looking it up? That is why I am hear. I can tell what I think fossil means.The word fossil means this,the modern use of theword 'fossil' refers to the physical evidence of former life from a period of time prior to recorded human history. There are six different types of fossils that we got to choose.Here are six of them ammonite,cave bear tooth,velociropter claw,crinoid,shark tooth,or trilobite.
Different Types of Fossils
Now I am going to tell about each and every fossil and how it is formed. First,I am going to talk about velociraptor claw.The vicious Velociraptor of pop culture slashes and disembowels its prey with large, curved claws. The dinosaur gore makes for good cinema, but one research team thinks those claws were made for climbing.Below I have posted a picture of a velociraptor going for the kill.next I am going to talk about a shark tooth.A shark tooth is one of the numerous teeth of a shark. Sharks continually shed their teeth, and some Carcharhiniformes shed approximately 35,000 teeth in a lifetime. In some geological formations, shark's teeth are a common fossil. These fossils can be analyzed for information on shark evolution and biology, especially because the teeth are often the only part of the shark to be fossilized, in fact fossil teeth comprise much of the fossil record of the Elasmobranchii, extending back hundreds of millions of years.Below the velociraptor claw they are shark teeth from the cretaceous period.Next,lets see what a trilobite is.The term Trilobite literally means "Three Lobes." The name references the animal's body plan. All Trilobites have three lobes, a left pleural lobe, Axial lobe, and a right pleural lobe.Trilobites look like little insects, and are often nicknamed "bugs" by fossil collectors. However, they are not related to insects. Trilobites are an extinct clade of Arthropods (like crustaceans). Nothing like them exists today. They are, however, distantly related to the cheliceratesinclude horseshoe crabs and spiders.Below three of the picture is a trilobite and a description of each individual body part.Next,is ammonite.Ammonites are perhaps the most widely known fossil, possessing the typically ribbed spiral-form shell as pictured above. These creatures lived in the seas between 240 - 65 million years ago, when they became extinct along with the dinosaurs. The name 'ammonite' (usually lower-case) originates from the Greek Ram-horned god called Ammon. Ammonites belong to a group of predators known as cephalopods, which includes their living relatives the octopus, squid, cuttlefish and nautilus (see pictures below).In front of the trilobite is ammonite.Next, is crinoid.A crinoid has three parts, a stem which it uses to stick to the sea floor, a calyx or body, and its arms which it
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