Alzheimer's Research Paper

Submitted By studymodeerw
Words: 1190
Pages: 5

Whiteside 1
Edys Whiteside
Eng 105
What is Alzheimer’s?
What is Alzheimer’s? Alzheimer’s degenerating disease, that progresses slowly and over time. Who is likely to be affected? Mostly people 65 or older, also with family history, parent, or sibling are affected. How? Alzheimer’s is the gradual buildup of tangles and plaque on the brain, which causes cell death and that, is not reversible. Alzheimer’s is not a normal part of aging. Alzheimer’s slowly progresses in three stages: mild, moderate, and finally to severe. The results of the disease are identified by the degeneration and death of the brain cells; that causes a steady and slow decline in health, physical functions, memory impairment, and behavior. Meanwhile, as we look at different stages of Alzheimer’s, we can gain a better understanding of the cause and effects; slow deterioration, tangles, and death of the brain cells. It causes memory loss, impaired judgment and destroy the ability to communicate, to function normally or to carry out the simplest task. Meanwhile, this damage and destruction to the brain only get worse over time and it is not reversible. The first stages, also known as the mild stage, and the most common signs are memory lost or impairment. They will start to suffer from, short term memory or impairment. This gradual destruction of the brain cell will lead to memory lost, not being able to make logical decisions, or even to balance your check book. Although this stage Alzheimer’s may last for years and it is possible that they may be able to live on their own, depending on their overall health and age of the individual. Meanwhile at this stage, they may start to gradually need a support system, to help with preparing meals, or to be able to get about. As the progression runs its course, the destruction and loss of your memory has only just begun.
The next stage moderate Alzheimer’s, is considered the longest stage. The factors are increasing memory loss, the downward spiral of the brains ability to respond accurately and effectively. Making it more difficult to associate names with faces, preparing a meal may become more challenging, to the point that someone may have to assist with preparing daily meals. This stage may last for many years and it affects each person differently. Some people may be able to live or function on their own, Whiteside 2 while other may not. It will depend on their physical ability to function on their own, and the mental ability to comprehend, and understand what is going on in their environment. Their ability to communicate will continue to diminish and it will be harder to complete a sentence that your listener will be able to understand. Also at this stage, they may not always know the immediate family or friends and withdrawal will become noticeable. With poor judgment and their health on a steady decline, names and faces will become harder to connect to the individual and safety will become a main concern. The person may need to live with family member, in a nursing facility care setting, or have a caregiver in their home. The progress of Alzheimer’s will continue to have a continuous devastating effect on the individual, their family and friends. It will affect the individual in a way that they may or may not be able to function on their own and the ever present threat of helplessness and added responsibility on family and friends. Finally, the severe Alzheimer’s is the late stage or last stage, where the deteriorating effects, will be more noticeable and undeniable. The person at the end stage of Alzheimer’s, the body continues to shut down and they may experience sleepiness, as sleepiness increases; the person may feel pain or discomfort. The reason they may not be aware of pain or discomfort and no longer eat or drink the necessary things that’s sustains life as we know it (Alzheimer’s association). The brain is no longer able to respond to the