What If You Built A Ping Pong Table With A Belly And A Reflective Surface Essay
Submitted By kisxtal
Words: 327
Pages: 2
What if you built a ping pong table with a belly and a reflective surface? What if you built a bicycle without wheels?
"I used to think that boredom was the mother of all creativity. Now I think curiosity is the mother of all creativity," said Arad. known for his creative designs, said many of his creations came from asking questions, from playing with materials and pushing against conventional wisdom.
He is the most influential designer, he studied architecture.
Ron is constantly looking for new ways to bring his creative ideas to life and that is where Superform comes in.
For Ron: Superforming is such an exciting process.
He had broke the standard in furniture and sculpture in ordinary artists mind, and he had keep challenging human perspective of viewing a piece of furniture and the users habits.
Sometimes an idea leads you to a new material or process you’ve never seen before and that leads you somewhere else.
But it is important to me that the end product delivers though.
For Ron Arad, he think “Where do I get my ideas? That is a very Japanese question. For some reason Japanese people are fascinated about where ideas come from. In fact, ideas are the cheapest link in the chain. The question is, which idea do you give time to? Which ideas do you invest in and which ideas do you drop?”
creative process entirely from materials, techniques, product areas and space and size limit. His work can also be a building, a large sculpture, or three-dimensional visual space