What??: Human–computer Interaction and Dr Hemlock Essay
Submitted By Covnaa
Words: 697
Pages: 3
Learner’s name | | Programme Level and Title | Edexcel BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in IT (Software Development) | Unit Number and Title | Unit 23 : Human Computer Interaction | Assignment Number and Title | Assignment (1 of 3) Impact of HCI on society, economy and culture | Date Issued | 26th September 2011 | Date Due | 24th October 2011 | Date Assessed | | Assessors Name | Jojo Sachie | Assignment Verified Name of verifier and date verified | Bola Kareem / Joy Wicks | Learner Declaration:I declare that this assignment is my own work. I have not worked collaboratively nor have I copied from any other student’s work or from any source (i.e. internet, books etc) except where due knowledge is made explicitly in the text, nor has any part been written for me by another person.I understand that if I sign this declaration and it is subsequently proved to be false, none of the work submitted will be allowed to count towards the assessment of this assignment.I have also been informed of the strict deadline date for the final assessment and understand that if I choose not to make the suggested improvements to my work before the deadline date then the provisional grade will become the final grade awarded.Signature:………………………………………………………………………………… Date:……………………………………………… | Assessors feedback (Final)Final Grade Awarded:…………………………Signature:………………………………………………………………………….…..Date:……………………………………………… | Learners Feedback/Comments (Final)Signature:………………………………………………………………………… Date:……………………………………………….Feedback received from Lecturer: Yes | No Date: | Creative and Professional Studies
Learning outcomes
1 Know about the impact of HCI on society, economy and culture
2 Understand the fundamental principles of interface design
3 Be able to design and produce simple interactive computer input and output based on HCI principles
4 Be able to compare and contrast, using HCI principles, the effectiveness of different designs of input and output
| Assessors feedback to student (including any remedial action required) | Grading Reference | Grading Criteria | Task No | Assessment method | Met() | P1 | Describe the impact of HCI on society, the economy and culture | Task 1 | pamphlets | | D1 | Evaluate the impact of a potential future development in HCI on society, the economy and culture | Task 2 | Report | |
Assignment objectives
In this assignment you will need to show that you can: understand the impact on society, economy and culture What you will do in this assignment * * * *
Task Scenerio:
Being a full-time learner, you need to earn money to help you through your studies, utilising time at weekends and vacations. You have secured a post as a researcher for Dr Hemlock, a local author who specialises in computer-related information. Dr Hemlock is to produce a series of informative leaflets