Whales: Homogeneous To Human Nature

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Whales: Homogeneous to Human Nature
Jeremy Hess
University of Phoenix

It is proverbial that whales occupy oceans well across the globe. These wondrous beings also come from the cetacean family. This actuality deems that in addition to belonging to the mammal lineage, in which humans beings also belong, whales are also fully fitting to maritime life. Through exploration and analysis it has been discovered that the unique lifestyle of the whale mammal shares alikeness with the human species by way of their attributes, temperament, and versatility. Whales develop healthy societies that mirror human nature, by way of their unique language, intellect, echolocation, evolutionary adaptations for survival. Like humans, sound is essential to the whale species for traveling, hunting, and interacting purposes. This is primarily used via a tool established as echolocation. According to Merriam-Webster echolocation is defined as, “a physiological process for locating distant or invisible objects (as prey) by sound waves reflected back to the emitter (as a bat) from the objects”. Whales, in particular, utilize echolocation to revert or resonate sound from articles surrounding them. This accommodates whales in retrieving information regarding their surrounds such as the seafloor, presence of other animals, etc. Echolocation is often accompanied with vocalizations, such as whale singing. It is believed that whales use singing as a means to communicate, or signal one another. An arrangement of screeches, roars, and whines help to create whales songs. Furthermore, it is regarded that these are also used as mating calls and serenades among this division. Body language is also a compelling source of communication amongst whales that can illustrate empathy, control and influence, and discipline. For example, whales have been known to participate in what is called “charging”. This occurs when one whale makes the decision to lung itself at another whale in an attempt to get the whales attention. This can be interpreted in a variety of ways. In some instances, in can be perceived as a playful challenge between whales. In other instances, it is used to assert dominion and power, or to claim territory between whales. Whales also use physical contact to show affection and nurturing between one another. Whales are often observed rubbing against or gently bumping one another. This is often carried out when two adult whales are traveling with their young participating in a mating ritual. Communication may also vary between certain types of whales. For instance, sounds demonstrated by clicks and whistles are used most commonly by the toothed whale. Meanwhile, the baleen whale communicates by creating low-frequency sounds that are usually long and carries a melodic tone. Whales have also been known to demonstrate a high level of intellect amongst their species. Through their social structure wells are able to successfully to publicize various desires and necessities. Because of their mentality whales have demonstrated keen abilities, such as performing tricks, and interacting with assigned handlers. Displays of grief and anguish towards death, along with audaciousness are also apparent in their behavior. Comparable to humans, whales also form bonds with family members and implement guardianship over their descendants. Some whales, dolphins, specifically, have been known to develop self-apperception. In addition, they have the capacity to execute complicated duties and to master routines.