Essay about Wgu E-Business Expansion Proposal

Words: 13986
Pages: 56

Online Business-Expansion Proposal for Xavier Derico Consulting
Xavier Smith
Western Governors University

Xavier Derico Consulting is a successful freelance communication consulting firm that provides the following editing-and-writing/translation-and-interpretation services: 1. Professional Document Preparation—vocational documents comprising of résumés and cover letters; business documents comprising of business plans and proposals, inter- and intra-office correspondence; and corporate policies and employee handbooks. 2. 3. French and Spanish Translation and Interpretation—translation of all the professional documents listed above; interpretation for both in-person and virtual environments.
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These services may include in-person meetings to assist with medical-office visits, the provision of legal services in their source language, and the translation of Spanish-language Web sites and blogs into their English-language equivalent. (The last service blends document preparation with translation and interpretation.) These services can capitalize on the Latin America market but also on non-polyglot Spanish speakers in the United States. Review the chart on the proportion of Spanish speakers in the United States and their monumental growth as a group in the future:

(The Economist, 2011)
The chart above offers the current number of Spanish speakers in the United States, and where they are located in the country.

(The Economist, 2011) The chart above offers the growth of the Spanish-speaking market in the United States. The chart also offers an important implication: The number of Spanish-speaking people in the United States who do not acculturate to local customs continues to grow. Either through recalcitrance or nonchalance, Spanish-language Web sites and services will be increasingly required to address the needs of this large segment of the population. Professional documentation does not lend itself well to an online environment, principally because most of the important documents required to function in business are physical constructs. However, the Internet can offer Xavier Derico Consulting substantial opportunities to grow this part of the