AFT2 Accreditation Audit – Task 2 Western Governor’s University
AFT2 Accreditation Audit – Task 2 Nightingale Community Hospital is a healthcare facility that prides itself on being a hospital of choice within its community by being a leader in providing high quality healthcare. The first of Nightingale Community Hospital’s value statements addresses safety. A key aspect in providing safe patient care includes communication among caregivers.
A1. Sentinel Event Nightingale Community Hospital recently experienced a sentinel event that involved the possible abduction of a 3 year old patient. As defined by the Joint Commission (2014), a sentinel event is an unexpected occurrence involving death or serious physical or The Registrar was responsible for registering the patient and ensuring all procedure and insurance authorization forms were completed. She was also responsible for entering the patient information into the electronic medical record. She followed the process as she was taught. The pre-op nurse prepped the patient for surgery. She completed the required pre-op assessments and also had the mother sign the consent forms for the procedure. The mother told the pre-op nurse that she would be leaving the hospital during the surgery to take care of an issue with another child. She gave her contact information including name and cell phone number. The nurse recorded this information in her personal notebook but not into the patient chart. She also did not pass this information along to the OR nurse or surgeon. The OR nurse is responsible for additional hand off procedures with patient and procedure information. She was responsible for communication with the surgeon during the procedure. During her interview she provided some insight into the breakdown in communication between hospital departments especially during serious incidents such as sentinel events. The surgeon involved in this case is the highest grossing ENT surgeon for Nightingale Community Hospital. It is important for the facility to instill a sense of confidence that a surgeon’s patients will receive the highest quality care while at the hospital. When an event such as this potential