Western Journal of Nursing Research http://wjn.sagepub.com/ Human-Animal Interaction Research as an Area of Inquiry in Nursing
Rebecca A. Johnson
West J Nurs Res 2002 24: 713
DOI: 10.1177/019394502320555449
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>> Version of Record - Oct 1, 2002
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Western Journal of Nursing Research, 2002, 24(6), 713-715
Western Journal of Nursing Research
October 2002, Vol. 24, No. 6
Human-Animal Interaction Research as an Area of Inquiry in Nursing
Rebecca A. Johnson
“I who had had my heart full for hours, took advantage of an early moment of solitude, to cry in it very bitterly. Suddenly a little hairy head thrust itself from behind my pillow into my face, rubbing its ears and nose against me in a responsive agitation, and drying the tears as they came.” —Elizabeth Barrett
Browning in Exley (1993)
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Western Journal of Nursing Research
family coping when a child has a chronic illness. Martin and Farnum also discuss children with chronic disorders. Their study demonstrates beneficial outcomes when children who have developmental disorders interact with a dog during therapy. Videotaping, an especially challenging but very helpful method of data collection is described. The article also gives the reader an idea of an effective “dosage” of this intervention.
Three other articles in the collection focus on nursing homes as settings where human-animal interaction may be beneficial. Kaiser, Spence,
McGavin, Struble, and Keilman demonstrate that a dog visitor may be just as well received as a human visitor among nursing home residents. McCabe,
Baun, Speich, and Agrawal show one type of beneficial response to humananimal interaction (decrease of disruptive