"Welcome to the World of 21st Century Hrm". Essay

Words: 879
Pages: 4

Read the Chapter 1-1 Case: "Welcome to the World of 21st Century HRM".

Once you have read the case, answer the questions that follow the case text. I have reprinted the questions below to assist you in your answers.

You can answer these questions and then “save as” your “username_assignmentname”. For example, if I answered the questions I would then save the case as “jrh4_Case1-1” without the quotation marks. Make sure that you save the file in .DOC(or .DOCX) format.

Once you have answered the questions to your satisfaction and saved this document as noted above into a Word document, go to the Blackboard Assignment page for this case and click on “Add Attachments” and upload your file.

1. Does Angie have a right to

* Would it be legal for the company to terminate someone who wrote in their blog that they had physically assaulted another person because they were angry?

Yes, it would be legal to fire someone for this because it does not violate public policy. No, I do not think that a company should terminate an employee just because they stated they did something in a blog. Who is to say it is true? True, a company would want to keep all employees in a safe environment. If they had any reason to believe their employee’s were in danger then I feel further research on that employee should be done. Ex: background check. They should also confront the employee about the comment to get more information regarding the post.

* Would be legal to terminate someone who wrote that they carried a gun to work, even though they really didn’t?

This is similar to the previous question. Yes, they would be able to fire this person because again it is not violate public policy.

The only time an employer cannot fire an employee for what he does on his own time is when such a limitation would itself create a violation of public policy.

6. Does Angie have any legal recourse because of the company firing her over her social media posts?

Unless she is covered by a Union then the position Angie was hired into was at-will. She has no legal recourse because the employer is free to discharge individuals "for good cause, or bad cause, or no cause at