Weimar: Reichstag Fire Decree and K the President Essay

Submitted By lettuce25
Words: 296
Pages: 2

Name Daniel Lett : How strong was the Weimar Constitution?

Study each of the points about the Weimar Constitution and place each one on the scale below.

|Major weakness Less serious weakness Not a problem Strength Major strength |
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|–5 |

Features of the Weimar Constitution

|a |A strong president was necessary to keep control over the government and to protect the country in a crisis. |
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|b |All Germans had equal rights, including the right to vote. |
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|c |The Chancellor had to be the leader of the most popular party, or one of the most popular parties. This meant people’s votes counted. |
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|d |Each state had its own traditions. It was right they should keep some control over their own affairs. |
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|e |If quick action was needed then the President could use Article 48 rather than be delayed discussing possible actions in the Reichstag. |
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|f |In 1919 the Republic had many enemies. It was not sensible to give equal rights to those who wished to destroy it. |
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|g |It would be possible for a president to use Article 48 on a regular basis and rule like the Kaiser. |
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|h |The President could block the appointment of a Chancellor if he disagreed with his views.